chapter 9

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"I have two options. This one in wearing and that one on the bed", Elijah pointed to the neatly folded clothes on the side.

"Lemme see you in the other outfit and I'll decide", Rayan wasn't really looking, he was caught up with his own looks. He peeped out the corner and saw Elijah changing out his clothes, his body exposed to the eyes of Rayan who was running them all over Elijah's figure. He glanced at his perky butt, which looked bigger without pants on, and the way he had to hop a bit to fit it in the jeans.

"I think these strunk. Okay how's about this one?". He turned around, modeling in the clothing and circling delicately like a ballerina in a music box.

"Well ummm. Try the other one again". He said that to look at Elijah's beautiful artsy sculpted body again. This time Elijah's front body was facing him, he could see a slight print inside his boxers. Rayan blushed at the thought of it, even though he's a deep color and you don't see them blushing, but he felt the heat under his cheeks. "Well you know what, then other one does look better".

"Oh wow Ray. Make up your mind", Elijah said with a slight snicker. He took off the first one and put the second one again, this time having a little trouble with zipper.

"Hey Ray. Can you give me a little help?". Ray looked up at Elijah who was trying to get his hips into the jeans and walked over.

"Okay you're gonna have to suck it in", Ray pulled the jeans up and zipped, but felt something on the side. He gently rubbed against it once to be sure it was what he thought, but don't too much to have Elijah notice. He realized how much inch that boy and whimpered.

"Okay they're gonna fit snug, but it'll look nice cause it accents the butt well", Rayan speedily walked away back to the mirror to see if he was starting to sweat. He was fine but he felt like it was something crawling on his face. He took a deep breath and was ready to go.

"Just a minute, lemme get my shoes", Elijah went skipping off to get his shoes. He slipped them on and muttered a simple "let's go".


"having fun?", Elijah asked.

"of course. who knew gay people can throw awesome parties. great that you invited me". Rayan slid across the dance floor and did some impressive moves that most definitely caught Elijah's eye. Rayan was thinking on dancing with a girl and remembered he was at a LGBTparty. you could say it's force of habit, dancing with the opposite sex to make sure nobody suspects your sexuality, even though the means of dancing and the way it's performed can give a hint. Rayan looked over at Elijah who was twirling his hips around and moving his body in a sensual and slightly provocative way, appealing to Rayan's manliness, his thoughts, his urges, the things he wanted to do, but didn't want the public to know. Only he and the good Lord above knew what was going on through his mind as Elijah contracted his lower belly muscles and brought that up to his upper belly, then to his chest, effortlessly moving and seductively keeping beat, charming like a snake in the Middle East.

"I didn't know you could belly dance", he said in amazement.

"there's a lot of things about me that you don't know". Elijah then walked forward with the panther's striding. his eyes low and alluring, with a slight cunning smile that shot venom into Ray's mind, paralyzing him and charmed. He walked over to Rayan, and with a light finger, lifted his chin up so their eyes met, Elijah with his sensual and seductive glare, he batted his eyes twice then let go of Ray's chin, backing into the wall and sat into a chair, patting the seat next to him signaling for him to sit down. "I gotta tell you something".

"no wait, I wanna tell you something Elijah. Okay how do I say this. Firstly, you're a phenomenal dancer".

"well thanks. I didn't mean to get all touchy, just a force of habit when I start to belly dance. its like I get into this.... trance".

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