Chapter 11

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"Enjoying your breakfast?". Elijah smiled and nodded as he stuffed his mouth with a mini pancake. Rayan smiled as he wiped the whipped cream of the corner of Elijah's lip.

"Thank you for making this for me. How'd you know pancakes were my favorite?".

" I didn't, pancakes are my favorite". Rayan giggled.

"Mine too", Princeton said as he came down the stairs, putting the finishing touches on his curls.

"It's a good thing I made enough for all of us. Baby pass the syrup". They ate, laughed, and made merry until they couldn't find anything else to do, so they just took more pictures until there was a ring on the doorbell.

"I'll get it", Rayan said as he went forward for the door. He opened the door and saw the taxi driver standing there.

"It's time", Elijah said as he got up and went to his room. Ray and Princeton looked at each other as they felt their stomachs drop.

"I can't believe it's really happening", Princeton got up and helped Elijah with his bags. It all went silent soon, princeton walking to the taxi trunk and pitting the suit cases in it, then closing it looking for the other two.

"i hope this isnt goodbye", prineton said as he wiped a tear from under his shades.

"i hope so too. i will try my best to contact you". elijah looked into his pocket and grabbed two items out of it. "i want yall to have this. i made them last night". they were necklaces, made from recycled glass and wooden beads from africa. he arranged them in such a way to where they both were similar yet unique. he placed them on both of them and gave them a hug and a farewell kiss on the cheek.

"i love you rayan", elijah said.

"i love you too", rayan replied, trying to keep a poker face. they shared a hug and a final kiss before elijah went into the taxi, looked out the window and soon the car drove away. There was a bitter silence, much like when visiting a vacant building, as ray and Prince watched the car wind down the hill and saw the dust that trailed behind it. and soon the car wasnt able to be seen anymore.

"i told myself i wasnt gonna cry".

"go ahead and let it out ray".


Since that very day, Rayan has been waiting for a call or a text, even a letter from Elijah (Derek), and every day, nothing came from the young, happy lad. It took a toll on him as he went into a deep state of depression, he really missed the boy he really loved, with a burning passion. Princeton and Rayan still had a close bond that was water tight, and soon the boy band Mindless Behavior cam to an end: the original members werent back together, only leaving Ray Ray and Princeton. They tried to find more people who had potential to become members, but it wasnt how it was, like when MB first started. Like all music groups that start, everyone ends up going their own direction, when when its two. Princeton and Ray Ray tried to make the group work with it just being the two of them, but it didnt even become a hit like when they were younger.

Soon the two ended up going htier own ways: Rayan living in a penthouse in New York and Princeton in France. The two still kept in contact, Skyping and calling, texting here and there. Rayan was now 22 and Princeton 22 as well. Rayan was leaving his house, as he had to take care of some business. the hussle and bussle of new york city was something he just didnt quite get used to: he bumped into someone.

"oh im sorry". a voice said.

"thats okay". rayan looked around and saw the person he bumped into. he couldnt figure out the face at first, but then his eyes grew wide. "you look awfully familiar".

"you too", the person said. "whats your name?">

"Rayan. Yours?".


"i know someone by the name of derek. but actually i knew him by the name of-".


"yea howd you know?". then he realized who it was. funny how it all started cause of a $12 love spell. well onve you find the person you like, then love, you can at least say I Put A Spell On You.

hii everyone, thats a wrap. hope you loved my story as i did, well i will update my other stories soon. i dont know what to say as of right now as usually i end up getting sad when i end a story. but i hope you all loved it. thanks again for reading and talk to yall later. byee

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