chapter 8

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"Good morning sleepy child", Elijah said as he stretched and remembered he was in Rayan's bed. He shook him until he got up saying, "okay okay I'm up. Just quit". His morning voice sent shivers all through Ej's body.

"What's up? I got something on my face?", Ray said.

"Well sorta, but you can't wipe it off".

"Whatcha mean?".

"Nevermind". Elijah was referring to Rayan's physical beauty. The way his eyes were shaped, the sweet nature that shined through them, and all the hair!

"Okay. Oh and what were you going to tell me last night?".

"I'll tell you later. I have to go take care of some business". Elijah left the room and Rayan looked at the door close, there was a flutter of something going through his stomach. He got dressed and went to the kitchen and saw Princeton sitting at the table eating.

"You know what you little nasty, I'm gonna whoop yo ass. What the hell you doing fucking on the couch yesterday? Filthy ass", Rayan sat at the table and looked at Princeton like a parent who caught their child having sex.

"Well we didn't think you two would come back so early", Princeton shyly said.

"I'm gonna get you.... But how was it?".

"Oh my Lord, it was glorious. I can't even begin to tell you. You know I didn't think he'd be this big". He used his hands to show about the length.

"Okay Jake and I'm supposed to know this because... ".

"Well cause you're my best friend and we tell each other everything".

"Not when you trying to do the hanky panky on the couch".

"Oh shut up. You know I think he really likes me. I'm gonna pop the question tomorrow. Oh oh oh I almost forgot. What's going on between you and Elijah?".

"What? Nothing. We're just friends".

"Stop lying. I see the way you look at him when he smiles".

"No no no. Nothing like that".

"Ray. You're my best friend and I know everything about you. And I say you like.... Elijah! Hi how you doing friend?". Jacob tried to play it off when Elijah came in the room.

"I'm great. You're still recovering if I may say. Hee you later Rayan", he slipped through the kitchen and out the door, flashing his usual smiles. But this one was particularly for Ray as he looked at Ray, batting his eyes lightly.

"Oooh you see Ray. Y'all got something happening. I say creep from behind, then pounce".

"Okay you been watching too much of National Geographic. You're starting to think you're a panther".

"Yaaas honey. The black panther with them pretty eyes. You better recognize. I'm a panther, taking a panther. Two Panthers wildly doing the taboo of the jungle, in the animal kingdom".

"Why do I have a feeling you're gonna become one of those erotic writers who blog their stories they say is made up, but actually either it really happened, or influenced by a real life experience".

"You know me so well best friend ", Princeton laughed and walked to the bedroom. Ray sat there thinking about what else he could do with Ej. Looks like he got over the Roc bitterness. He thought about when they fell down the hill, him landing on Ej and their kiss. Of course he doesn't feel some type of way, or does he? He was trying to figure out how it happened and why his best friend think they make a cute couple.

"Aye wassup", prodigy came and sat by Ray. "You know you should knock before entering".

"Why when I live here, we all live here. If privacy is needed, do that behind a closed door".

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