fire department

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"What are you doing moron!? close it!" You heard Su-hyeok yell at Gyeong-su.

You didn't turn back to them, you just listened while watching the infected students wander around the field below.

"And the police?" On-jo asked Cheong-san.

"They said they would come," he answered her.

"Did they believe you?" Gyeong-su began, "what if they think it's a prank and they decide not to come?" He questioned.

Hearing this took your attention away from the window.

"Well then, call them again! And tell them to hurry up," Na-yeon demanded.

Hearing her voice irritated you. You didn't want to hate her, she just made it extremely difficult to not want to throw a chair at her. She was always screaming at people for stupid reasons, and then when she doesn't get her way, she throws a fit, it's annoying.

"Shh! Stop yelling, you're gonna make those zombies come back," Ji-min shushed Na-yeon.

"Gimme that," On-jo said as she took the phone from Cheong-san's hands and walked over to one of the windows near you.

You watched her dial another number on the phone then brought it up to her ear.

"This is the fire department, what is your emergency?" You heard a man say over the phone.

"Hi, hello sir, do you know captain Nam So-ju from rescue team one?" On-jo asked the receptionist.

"No, im afraid I don't, we have many fire fighters," he stated.

You turned your focus back to the window but continued to listen to the conversation between your classmate and the receptionist.

"Captain Nam-So-ju is my father," On-jo began, "please tell him to hurry over to my school."

"Who is she calling?" You heard someone faintly say.

"I apologize, but this is the call center. If you want to reach him personally then you should call his station instead."

"There's a fire!" On-jo suddenly blurted out.

This made you look over to her. Now you were finally interested in something other than the window.


"Hyosan High School, classroom 2-5, please come quick the fire's getting massive," She stated then hung up the phone a couple moments after.

"On-jo you fucking genius!" You praised the girl.

"Yeah, we have a better chance of them coming now," Cheong-san agreed.

"So now we just wait till they get here?" Dae-su asked.

"Yeah that's kinda how it works," Wu-jin joked.

"I know that!" Dae-su shouted at him.

"Sure you do," Wu-jin taunted the other boy.

Hearing the two boys fight felt oddly comforting. It was as if you weren't stuck in the middle of an apocalypse. Sadly, the truth is that you definitely were trapped in the middle of an apocalypse and you almost fell off a ladder and got eaten by a zombie on your way over here. How lovely.

Cheong-san walked over to your window and waited for the firefighters to finally arrive.

You looked up at him for a second and then looked back to the window.

You and this window were really starting to become good friends. Best friends even.

ɴᴏᴛ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ʏᴇᴛ | 𝘀𝘂-𝗵𝘆𝗲𝗼𝗸Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang