Chapter 3

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9 years before Lightning Thief

It was a gloomy day at Camp Half-blood. Something was off in the air. The sky above them was filled with clouds, it was unusual though they were usually lacking in anything. Rain was pouring down outside of the Camp borders. Suddenly a scream was heard from the woods. No one recognized the voice.

A child came running from the woods. She was covered in Monster dust. Her leg was dripping with blood. Her dark golden hair was put flat against her face, barely showing her forest green eyes. Her sin was a beautiful tan color. Everyone had stopped what they were doing, it was almost mid-day, so everyone was finishing up activities.

Chiron had come out to see what was happening. The girl's eyes were full of Panic, her leg seemed to be healed, out of nowhere, but no one really noticed. They are more shocked by the monster dust. The girl seemed to be about six, her shirt and pants were ripped.

"Hello child, may I ask who you are." Chiron said, his voice calm and soothing." he girl nodded. "I-I'm Hallie, my father's Apollo and my mother sent me here, from Los Angeles." her voice wavering eerie so often. "Well, Welcome to Camp Half-blood, this is where we will train you to survive in the world of Greek Mythology." Hallie was welcomed into the Apollo cabin, she was youngest there. Gradually over the course of 9 years she was slowly forgotten. She wanted to be. Hallie had no friends, never took one, and was never noticed. She trained by herself. She is the musical battles of Apollo. Sometime though over the course of the years she got jewelry.

She had a necklace with a sun and wave crest that turned into a bow and arrow. She got a dark sapphire ring which turned into a whip. A silver banded wave bracelet which turned into a shield. She also had a diamond ring, and what looked to be a wedding band. It was peculiar.

Hallie loved the water, if you didn't know her cabin she could have asked for a Poseidon kid, if he had any. ANyway, Hallie wasn't normal, no one knew the truth, they never would.

Eventually 9 years later Percy Jackson came to camp. Hallie was fifteen. Percy Jackson never saw, whenever went to capture the flag, she was most likely in the music room, when everyone was busy. Hallie went secretly on all Percy's quest through the water, no one ever saw her. She saw Jason Grace and Nico Di Angelo come to camp it was almost time.

Now that the Gaea War ended, it was time to be noticed.

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