Chapter 8

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With Percy, Jason, and Nico

They were surrounded by darkness. What is this? Hallie appeared in front of them. "Do any of you know who I am?" she asked. Nico replied. "Your Hallie, and what I'm assuming you're also a siren." Hallie nodded. "I'm not just a siren, I'm the siren." She turned away from the boys beckoning them to follow her.

As they walked Hallie continued talking. "No one knows my story. Percy, you've seen sirens, in the Sea of Monsters, those were women I found on ships. I tried to make them like me, and it resulted in those monsters. So I banished them to that island." Percy went to ask a question but Hallie continued.

"I was never told in the myths, because I never wanted to be. Sirens were not meant to be made. I was once between a mortal and a demigod. My mother was a nymph and my father a mortal." She stopped in front of a golden door. "This is your test, I wish you luck heroes, I hope you succeed, I feel you have much more to see and explore."

With that she walked away into the darkness disappearing from view. "Shall we?" Jason asked. They nodded at each other. They each grabbed the door handle. They took a deep breath and twisted the handle. Once the door was open they were sucked into memories. Each posing as their parents.

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