Chapter 15

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Everyone was frozen, how the Hades did this happen. Jason, Percy, and Nico were steadying Hallie, her breathing was rapid. Apollo was freaking out, he didn't know she was pregnant, he just got her back and now their child's being born. "Well don't just stand there you idiots help me before I rip our heads off!!" Hallie yelled in between contractions.

That snapped everyone out of their thoughts. Apollo went to his wife's side, and flashed everyone to Olympus. They landed in the throne room. "Apollo you idiot! Your child is shoving itself out of my vagina hurry up or you're gonna be pushing something else out!" Hallie snapped. Multiple people backed away, Hallie was scary.

Percy and Jason's faces were red, Hallie was squeezing their hands really tight. Nico had disappeared somewhere. "Apollo, could you maybe take your wife to deliver the baby, she's crushing your hands." Percy gasped. Hallie released their hands and labored breaths. Annabeth and Piper comforted their boyfriends.

Leo was cracking jokes trying to distract the boys. The big three had shrunk away hidden, probably away from the lady in labor's wrath. Apollo and his children whisked her away. Many people from the camps, some Olympians, along with minor gods and nymphs followed.

Hallie's contractions were getting closer and closer together. Apollo was gripping his wife's hand which she seemed to somehow be breaking. "Calm down Hallie, just get ready to push." Apollo mumbled over and over again. "Apollo shut your mouth or I'll do it for you!"

Apollo's kids both Greek and Roman, were helping deliver the baby. Will Solace was leading the charge. None of them had really delivered a baby before so they had to use any medical training or ideas that came to mind. "Okay Hallie, you should be able to start pushing soon." Will told his step-mother. Hallie slowly shook her head. Outside Apollo's palace. Water gushed around the building and the sun seemed to grow brighter. A humming seemed to fill the air.

"Okay Hallie, it's time."

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