Chapter 10

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Jason's POV

Darkness surrounded me, I tried blinking and what I saw next was strange. I was in front of someone. It was Poseidon. I had no control over anything. "Brother, why have you called me here?" This was my father's voice. I looked down. I was my father.

Poseidon was in front of me smiling. We were somewhere in the woods. "There's this girl, she's quite unique, she's also the most beautiful person I've ever seen, just look." He pointed behind the tree we were in front of. I looked behind the tree.

I saw Hallie, she was humming quietly to herself. Her voice was beautiful. She was picking berries, and washing clothes in the river. I turned back to Poseidon. "She's lovely, but you did not answer my question." Poseidon sighed. "I want your help, she has rejected me, I saw how you st looked at her I know you want her to."

NO, NO, this can't be good umm how can I stop this.

"Okay brother, I see your point, what shall we do?" Poseidon smiled even bigger. He leaned towards me. I didn't get to hear the plan, because time seems to zoom forward. I was now leaning against a tree, I saw Poseidon underwater. Thunder boomed overhead, and Poseidon rose out of the water. This caught Hallie's attention.

She looked between me and Poseidon. "Lord Zeus, Lord Poseidon what can I do for you, especially you Poseidon." She wouldn't meet Poseidon's eyes. She stared more at me, she seemed nervous. What was I missing?

"I've seen you, I have a request, my brother as well." Holly's eyes began to fill with fear. "What would that be?" Her voice was trying not to tremble. I couldn't let this go any further. "Let us be with you, spend time with you maybe more?" I said. Hallie started backing away. "Once again I am flattered, but you have wives, children, I'm not meant for whatever you have planned." I was finally allowed control.

"Brother she is right, perhaps we should go back home and reconsider. Poseidon glowered at me but disappeared into the water. ''Hallie, I'm deeply sorry, allow me to make it up for you, I offer you protection from people like my brother." Hallie smiled. "Thank you my lord, I'll repay you someday." with that she walked away.

Darkness surrounded me once again. Hallie was now in front of me. I hugged Hallie. "I'm sorry for what you went through." I released her. She gave me a warm smile. "Congratulations, Mr.Grace, you passed. You know I've seen hundreds of you half siblings out of all of them only about 6 or 7 have passed, and your answer has given the most impact on the memory." I was confused.

She summoned a couch and we both sat down. "I can see what your actions will do. The memory of it actually happened. You gave me the chance to travel the world, live happily with my lover, and have a family of my own. You give me a life no one else could." She put his hand on my shoulder.

"You and Percy Jackson have given a new perspective on life, you've made me see things, that i could only hope for, not many have passed.'' She made the couch go away. Luckily I caught my balance. She chuckled. "It's time for your Nico's turn," she waved and Percy was next to me. "You may watch and be prepared, Nico's memories were the thing that started it all.

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