Chapter 14

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Hallie stood there as the mystery girl. Her eyebrow raised. "What surprised you, none of you released, gods you blind." She exclaimed. "Wait, but you turned immortal at like 20-21 years old how'd you make yourself look 6 years old?" Athena asked. "Athena, you are a god, you can shift forms, I may not but I can control the mist to the extent that I can change my age and appearance."

Athena was shocked, it took much practice to do that. "Wait, we got off topic, who is your lover, which god is it?" Annabeth inquired. Hallie sighed. Why can't they just get over this. "You still haven't figured it out, look at the God's faces, so much hiding in one of them ready to burst." She waved her arm across the 7 men gods.

Athena and her children studied their faces, they stopped at Apollo his face seemed odd, not sunshiney like usual, and he seemed to be younger instead of a 22 year old form he was eighteen. Her children kept looking at his face while Athena looked at his hand, confirming her original thoughts. He was wearing a wedding band.

"You really married him, didn't you, that's his child?" Athena asked, her eyes staring at Hallie's stomach. "Yes, Athena it is when I was almost fifteen I met him, we got married a couple months later, away from everyone we knew, especially his step mother. HE would visit me while on the run, the last time I saw him was when this happened." Hallie knew it was time, the biggest secret of her life was gonna be revealed.

"I have not seen my lover for hundreds of years, he thought i was dead, I disappeared, he thought his father and Uncles finally got me." Then it clicked. "Alright Sunshine, reunion time!" Hallie spread her arms. Apollo didn't waste a second. He ran towards his wife, hugging her. He spun her around as she wrapped her legs around him kissing him passionately.

But suddenly Hallie cried out in pain. Apollo released her. He looked down, her belly had almost doubled in size, he looked below her. The sand was wet. Her water broke. The baby was finally coming. Hallie cried out in pain again. 

It was time.

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