Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV:

Wuxian made me turn my phone off so that way we could go to dinner together. He said this was his time to have me all to himself.

I didn't wanna do this, but if I didn't want that video footage of me kissing and feeling up on Wuxian, I had to listen to everything he told me. If that meant going to dinner with him, turning off my phone, and ignoring Jungkook for the night, I did it.

Do I feel guilty? Of course. I can't put all the blame on myself though. Wuxian is partially to blame. It was my fault for feeling some type of way when he and I were drinking together, but he took that extra step and actually tried shit on me. It's still my fault that I didn't stop him.

As much as I want to blame the drinks, I have to take responsibility for my own actions. It's insane that I let it go that far. I could've just confessed right away to Jungkook about what happened, but now I feel too guilty for letting it go for a few days.

The biggest problem was that I was so horny and I wanted to get off, but not with Wuxian. I let him touch me. I let him kiss me. And I'm a dumbass for kissing him back, not even thinking about the consequences.

How could I not be more careful? It's very easy to blackmail someone nowadays, especially if you're famous. Anyone could have a hidden recording device on them, catching every little detail of your life to sabotage you.

"Taehyung?" Wuxian said, waving his hand close to my face.

I was so out of it and feeling like I really am cheating now that I didn't even realize he was talking to me. God, I have a disgusting sensation in the back of my throat.

The expression on his face seemed concerned. "Don't worry so much. We're only having dinner together, nothing else. This is a private restaurant with the best security in town."

"I don't care about that," I spat out. "I wanna go home to my boyfriend. My boyfriend is at home waiting for me. My boyfriend is Jungkook, not you."

"Would you just relax? We're only having dinner together, like I said. Can't two friends just chill and enjoy a meal after a hard day of work?"

"Not when I know what your intentions are," I said angrily. "Can I just go home? Jungkook and Jimin are waiting for me. Jimin is already on my ass about me doing shit with you."

"Really?" Wuxian said, taking a sip of his wine. "How so?"

"He questioned me that night I came home. He saw you sneak up to my room without coming back down. He works at the club, remember? He eyed us from his table. And in case you're wondering, we all live together. Jimin pays for his room in my house separately."

"Fascinating," Wuxian smiled pleasantly. "I didn't know you all lived together. I like knowing things about you. Not to change the subject so abruptly, but from what I saw, you and Jimin are my competition when it comes to modeling. You're both the highest paid in the industry. Why does he live with you when he can afford his own place?"

Because Jimin knows things about my life that Jungkook doesn't. I told him everything, every last detail. "He's Jungkook's best friend. I can't separate them. Besides, even if I wanted to, he'll be at our house everyday anyways. I offered to let him stay rent free, but he insisted on paying for his own room."

For some reason, I didn't feel uncomfortable saying this to Wuxian. It's not like it's private information that nobody can know, but I shouldn't be telling him details about my life. He might start to think I'm into him when I'm not.

"Hmm, that's interesting," Wuxian said, putting his glass down. "I still think it's a little strange that Jimin snuck into your house one night. I mean, who does that?" he laughed.

The Boy In Gucci 2: Rules of Attraction (18+ TAEKOOK FF) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now