Chapter 6

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Taehyung's POV:

Having to explain to Jungkook that I became a hitman to kill my sister's murderer was rough. Telling him that his own father was the one who abused and killed my sister was a different story; it was torturous.

I repeatedly said that I didn't kill his father because I didn't want him to think that because I was looking for her killer, it was me that killed him. The evil man I was under was the one who killed him. He thought that I was lying to him; not the part where my sister was killed in cold blood, but the fact that his dad was the one to hurt her. He didn't wanna believe it. 

I told him every last detail about Jin and I hunting him down through a man named Yoshikawa Sujo and how he was behind all of this. Of course, his eyes got big and realized the last name of the person relating to our new boss.

That's why that one night, he wondered why I yelled at him to get back in the house. It was for his own protection. I had no choice but to let him in on what Namjoon and I think about Benji. I even told him about the shady note that was left for him.

The entire time, Jungkook's facial expression seemed to be off about all the info he was taking in. I don't blame him though. It's crazy and all at once. It's like everything he knew was completely wrong and not the way it should've been.

I let Jungkook know not to act any different around Benji because we don't know what his true intentions are, even though he left a scary note and his own brother is Sujo himself.

After I was done explaining everything in detail to him, he asked me something strange, something I didn't expect out of his mouth after all that info was leaked to him. He asked me if Sujo was still alive. I replied with a no because I was the one who killed him and that's why Benji is trying to get his revenge. But then he brought up that lady that dropped him home. He said that she was also looking for Sujo because he used a man to do his dirty work. He said that this lady was also a target and was supposed to be killed, but she ran away. That only got me thinking. 

I asked Jungkook multiple questions about the girl that saved him, but he didn't wanna reveal too much info about her. I told him it was important because she needs to know that Sujo is already dead so she's wasting her time by looking for him.

Jungkook revealed that she gave him her info in case anything were to ever happen again. He also told me that her name was Sunny and that, from the info I revealed, she suffered the same physical, mental, and emotional abuse my sister did. Unfortunately, she escaped and my sister didn't.

If my sister were alive, she would've responded back to all the voicemails I left her over the past few years. She never missed a call from me, let alone, let it go to voicemail. 

I mean this in the nicest way possible, but her death brought me to Jungkook. If it wasn't for her getting killed, I would've never became a hitman and found the man I was destined to be with.

But after telling Jungkook everything from start to finish, he hasn't spoken a word to me ever since. I know that he probably thinks that his life is a lie and that I still wanna kill him, but that's far from the truth now.

My heart aches for him because I know how he feels about his dad. He misses him and loves him very much. I know that he was close with his dad before he got sucked into being a hitman for Sujo. I recollect his mother telling me a long time ago that he shared everything with his dad, and when he disappeared, he went silent.

I know exactly how he feels because that's how I feel about my sister. She's never coming back so I have to keep going on in life and find peace within myself. Jungkook helped me tremendously with feeling better and making me feel needed. The media just made me feel like I was a toy, an object for people's pleasure. Not Jungkook. He was different. There was something about the way he looked at the stars that shined into his eyes. There was something about the way he blushed at me that made my stomach create butterflies that I haven't felt from a person in years.

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