Chapter 8

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Jungkook's POV:

You ever wake up happy as fuck for no reason?

Yeah, me either, but today I did.

Last night, Taehyung and I ended up making passionate love again. We've never done it twice in one day. I was loving everything about it.

 Even though he was dominating in the first half, I took over and did the rest. God, it felt so empowering to have control of his body. I never thought he'd let me.

I don't need to prove shit to Wuxian. I like the guy, but he doesn't always have to make me feel so low when it comes to me being with Taehyung. At the end of the day, I don't really need anyone's approval of anything.

I'm definitely learning that Taehyung is dominant when it comes to his vocabulary in the bedroom, but I'm dominant physically because I'm stronger than him. And one day, I hope to be physically, mentally, and emotionally stronger. I know I'll need to.

Anyway, we're both switches so it works for us. No one ever said one party had to be fully submissive.

I just wish Wuxian would understand that. Now that I'm thinking about him, I really don't wanna meet with him later to do some behind-the-scenes stuff. He pissed me off last night when he said my personality wouldn't match one of a top's. 

You don't have to be a dick to be a top. If he wants to do that, that's on him. I'm not going to change my relationship with Taehyung to fit Wuxian's standards.

I rolled over and noticed Taehyung wasn't beside me. It's early in the morning and we don't start work until another two hours. Where is he?

I decided to put on my robe and walk downstairs. I could smell the fresh orange juice squeezed into a glass and the popping sounds of ham in the skillet.

 I could smell the fresh orange juice squeezed into a glass and the popping sounds of ham in the skillet

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"Jungkookie, come sit," Jimin said, dumping the ham on a plate. "I'm making eggs as well. You want them scrambled or sunny side up?"

I wanna know where Taehyung is. "Scambled is fine," I yawned. "Where's Tae?"

"He wasn't upstairs with you?" Jimin asked.

I shook my head and glanced at the table.

I saw Jimin glare out the window from the stove. "His car is still here. Maybe he's in a different room?"

"I just came from upstairs and didn't hear anything," I said in a raspy voice.

"Well he's not down here. I was the first one awake and he doesn't wake up super early. Trust me, I would've seen or heard him come downstairs."

"Shit," I mumbled under the breath. My first thought was to call Namjoon so I did. "Yeah, hey. Um, is Taehyung with you?"

"He's not with you?" Namjoon said on the phone. "Isn't he normally asleep still?"

"Yes and that's why I'm so confused. I don't know where he is and we have a big photoshoot planned today."

The Boy In Gucci 2: Rules of Attraction (18+ TAEKOOK FF) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now