Stepbrother (Andy Summers)

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Why this concert? Why tonight? I had a million of things to do, but my parents encouraged me to go see Andy's new band, The Police, live in concert. I didn't want people knowing that I was related to their guitarist.

Only by marriage. My mother's quote that has been sitting in the back of my head for the last two decades.

Andy and I are step siblings with an 11 year age gap.
He was kind and laid back, but wanted nothing to do with me since I was a lot younger. I was basically invisible to him. He was really upset after his dad and my mom married.

"Take your sister." My mom would say to him whenever he was with friends.

My mom didn't like for me to be excluded since I didn't have many friends after we moved. I was okay being by myself anyway, but I knew it would make her happy for me to spend time with my stepbrother. I didn't know any better of his avoidance attempts because I was happy to have a sibling. He even had to take me on his dates and I became the center of attention every time.

"You're such a good brother." His dates would say to him.

"She is adorable." Andy replied even though he probably hated me for ruining his night.

He was tolerant of me as I grew older and went to college. His wife, Kate, is like my best friend and we've always got along well from the time he brought her home for dinner. Now they are expecting a baby and I couldn't be happier for them. I have always wanted to be an aunt.

I arrived to tonight's concert with my boyfriend, Will, with whom I have been with for the last three years. He was kind, smart and intensely handsome. He reached an average height with black feathered hair and chocolate brown eyes. He gets along great with my family and I get along well with his, which is the biggest priority in our relationship.

"I'm going to get a beer. Do you want anything?" He offered.

"No, thanks." I said to him before he kissed my temple and left to get his drink.

"I don't know about that guy." Andy shook his head.

"Will? You've met him a dozen times." I recalled.

"There's something about him that doesn't seem right, I can't put my finger on it." He pondered.

"You're wrong about him. He's a good guy." I defended.

"I don't want you to get hurt." He explained.

"What are you going to do? Keep me from dating?" I sarcastically replied.

"I think I might." He retorted.

I rolled my eyes, his tactics failing once again.

"I hope a Coke is okay." Will said to me after returning with his beer.

"Thank you." I replied while taking the bottle from his hand.

"Get a room." Andy scoffed.

"Andy!" Kate scolded.

"What?" He asked her.

"Be nice. Will has not done any harm to you." She explained.

"I'm going to tune my guitar." He muttered as he walked away.

"Why does he do this?" I questioned my sister-in-law.

"He still sees you as his baby sister." She answered.

"I'm not 6 anymore." I groaned. "I'm grown, I have a job and a steady apartment."

"It's a lot to take in for him." She added. "I think he's stressed because of his career and my pregnancy, but I don't think he intends to take his frustrations out on you."

The show started at 8:00 and we stayed backstage for the entire performance. Andy seemed to be doing a lot better on stage, but at least he didn't watch Will and I like a hawk. After the last song, Andy and the rest of the band came backstage to rest, drink water and change out of their sweaty clothes.

"We're going out for dinner. Do you want to come with us?" Andy offered.

"Sure." I answered and turned to Will.

"I'll be there shortly. I need to run a quick errand then I'll be there." He said to me.

"We'll save you a seat." I nodded before leaving with everyone else.

We went to a diner in downtown London. We grabbed a table in the corner of the restaurant where it wasn't as noisy. The empty seat next to me claimed vacancy as Will didn't make his arrival yet.

"Are we ready to order?" The waiter asked.

"We're waiting on someone." I explained in politeness.

"Of course. Take all the time you need."

Fifteen minutes turned into half an hour. I had no idea where Will went and I don't think he is going to show up. The waiter came to our table.

"Let's go ahead and order." I acquiesced to everyone.

The order went from Kate on the other side of the table to me. I couldn't help but to feel bad that we didn't wait for Will, but who knows what he could be doing right now. He could be stuck in traffic, he could be stuck in line at the store, anything could happen.

Each of us contributed to making a payment for tonight's meal. I and drove to Will's house from the restaurant to check on him. His car was parked in the driveway, so he was home. I gently opened the door and couldn't believe what I saw.

"Will. How could you?!" I exclaimed.

"It's not what it looks like." He stammered.

"We're done." I slammed the door and ran to my car in tears.

I drove to Andy and Kate's house because I feel like I needed to talk to someone.

"What happened?" Kate asked when she saw me crying.

"Will cheated on me." I sniffled.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She gasped and hugged me.

Andy stayed perfectly still with his hands in his pockets while his face said "I told you so".

"Don't say it." Kate muttered to him.

"No, it's okay. There was something up with Will and I was too stupid to see his true colors." I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Andy."

"It's okay. He's a prick for doing that to you." He forgave me.

He wasn't wrong about that. He and Kate comforted me while I let out all of my tears. I felt better once I calmed down and quickly realized that Will was no good for me anymore. The last thing I want is a man like him in my life.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked.

"I'll be fine." I replied. "I'm not gonna let that son of a bitch destroy my life."

If it weren't for him, I don't think I would've known the truth about Will. I'm glad that tonight was the perfect opportunity to know the real him.

"You know, we've been talking about this and we want to know if you would like to be the baby's godmother." Kate asked me.

"Absolutely." I beamed.

Those were the best news I received. I can't wait to be an aunt in a few months.

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