Support (Sting)

42 1 0

September 19, 1980

I went into labor around 1:00 in the morning and waddled outside to catch a cab. My contractions were so intense that I didn't think I could move another muscle. I reached for my coat and my hospital bag and hurriedly searched for my car keys. I'm not gonna have time. I was lucky when the cab pulled up right away after I was desperately flailing my arm into the air. I asked him out of pain and misery to drive to the nearest hospital.

I arrived to the hospital only to fill out a stack of paperwork for my stay. This was the last thing I wanted to think about when I'm having a baby. Thankfully, I was admitted right away and I changed into a hospital gown.

"Is there anyone we can call for you?" The nurse asked.

I nodded my head.

"I'll write his number for you." I responded.

She gave me a notepad and I wrote the number in black pen. In the meantime, another nurse came in to check my vitals and to put the fetal monitor on my stomach. My baby was active with a strong heart rate. Everything was going smoothly.

"Hi." A voice spoke when they entered my room.

"Sting." I beamed before we side kissed each other's cheeks.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Tired, uncomfortable and hungry."

"I know."

"Thank you for being here."

"When my best friend's having a baby, it's important for me to be here."

Sting stood by my side through my pregnancy when my douchebag of a boyfriend left me for another girl once I told him I was pregnant. For some reason, me being pregnant ruined his life and he wanted nothing to do with me or our child. Sting has been such a big help that was anything from doctor's appointments to shopping for baby clothes. We've been assumed that we were husband and wife because we're always together, but we didn't have the heart to explain that we're just friends.

He let me squeeze his hand every time I had a contraction.

"How far apart?" He asked.

"Every six minutes." I responded. "I was at ten when I first got here."

"Do you want me to call anyone else for you?"


Doctors and nurses were in and out to monitor my contractions and my vitals. I was impatient to give birth and eat something because it's only been six hours since I ate. Sting got me some ice chips, which was all I could eat.

"Do you want a epidural?" The doctor asked me.

"Yes, please." I responded to be spared from the pain.

I slowly sat up with the help from Sting and the doctor. As painful as the shot was, I wanted to be brave for my baby, knowing that I'm doing this like it's a sacrifice.

"You're doing great." Sting said as I held onto him.

I got to lay down once it was over to let the epidural kick in. Sting was telling me all of the latest band news to help take my mind off of the labor.

"Doesn't your new single come out today?" I wondered.

He looked up at the clock, seeing the tiny arm steer towards the 4.

"It's today." He realized.

"You should go. Don't let my baby's birth ruin your night." I said without feeling like a burden.

"You're my friend and I know you need as much support as possible. I just hate to see you go through this alone."

Now that my boyfriend is out of the picture, Sting is all that I have left. His words made me reconsider.

"Stay." I requested.

As time was getting closer for me to push, I could not feel any more hesitant and scared of the biggest commitment that I had to make. I didn't know how I was going to raise a baby all by myself. Sting let me squeeze his hand throughout the birth process.

"It's a girl!" The doctor shouted.

I'm a mom to a beautiful baby girl. Despite the circumstances and a long labor, she is here, healthy and absolutely perfect.

"She's beautiful." Sting said to me.

I don't know how I could've gone through this without him.

"Thank you for being here." I said.

After being awake all night, I got some rest and ate almost an entire steak, baked potato and asparagus. Since I gave birth, Sting has been a really big help. He called my relatives, he brought me food and he even bought a stuffed animal for the baby from the gift shop. He is such a good friend.

Stewart and Andy came to meet the baby once I was rested and up for visitors. All of a sudden, it hit me to know that I was not only a mom, but a single mom.

"I don't know if I can do this alone." I sighed.

They're also aware of the story with my ex-boyfriend.

"You won't have to because you have us. We'll always be here for you." Andy assured.

That brought a smile to my face and a lot of reassurance.

"We need a name for this little one." Stewart said as he held my baby.

I never thought of a name. I was too wrapped up with caring for my baby that I didn't think to give her a name.

"Kate." I replied.

He realized that I named my daughter after his wife, who has been one of my best friends for years.

"That's beautiful." He said to me.

Kate may not have grown up in the ideal family that I wanted, but she has my three best friends that are the best father figures.

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