Taking Initiative (Stewart Copeland)

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Inspired by something that happened recently. Don't worry, I'm fine


The Police are playing their big show at the Omni tonight. It's supposed to be the highlight of their Synchronicity tour and possibly become the biggest concert of their career. I remember when they went from playing local clubs with more or less a hundred people in the crowd and now they're playing in front of thousands, a full stadium with every seat claimed by a concert goer. Hard work and patiently awaiting success has gotten them so far.

With only four hours to go until showtime, the band rehearsed for an hour and a half before stepping away from the stage to put food in their stomachs and to relax until 30 minutes prior to the show. I was bored and out of my mind and thought I could scare Stewart for fun. For a man that reaches 6'2 and is an absolute beast on the drums, I doubt anything could really frighten him.

I found my chance when I saw him standing by a table. I approached him as quiet as a mouse before throwing my petite arms around his tall figure. He broke out into a smile after discovering that I was the one behind him.

"You can't scare me." He chuckled.

"Who said I was trying to scare you?" I remarked.

I may be his wife and more than a foot shorter than him, but he's right. I can't scare him.

"I'm gonna go to the merchandise stand." I let him know where I was going.

"Can I go with you?" He begged.

"I'm only stepping outside."

He can't be a minute away from me.

"You have a show to prepare for." I reminded him.

"It's not for another three and a half hours." He sighed, thinking I was over exaggerating. 

"I'll only be a few minutes."


He reached for his card in case I wanted to buy something, but I stopped him before he could pull out his wallet since I brought my own. I don't mind him buying me stuff, but I crave the independence of spending my own money. I went to the merchandise stand and bought a T-shirt to add to my Police souvenirs that is probably piled somewhere on the tour bus. I could also add my backstage pass to a scrapbook for memories.

I came back and set my T-shirt in the dressing room to avoid losing it. I'll just have to remember to get it before we leave tonight. I returned backstage and stopped dead in my tracks. All of a sudden, I felt lightheaded like I was going to faint. My body didn't feel right and I felt like I was shaking all over. Not like the body shakes from a fever or the flu or when it's cold outside, but this was totally different.

"Are you okay?" He asked out of concern.

"Something doesn't feel right." I shook my head.

I ate today, I haven't done anything strenuous and I have been up since 6:00 am. I always keep a water bottle on the go because we're always moving place to place, so at least I'm hydrated.

"I need to sit down." I said before I almost fell to the floor.

He helped me sit down on the couch backstage and handed me my water bottle to get something in my system. He kneeled in front of me with his hands on my knees as I took one deep breath at a time.

"What's going on?" "Are you okay?" Sting and Andy inquired once they saw me.

"Just trying not to faint." I replied.

"Can we get you anything?" Andy offered out of kindness.

"I'm okay. Thank you." I answered him.

"Do you think you need to go to the hospital?" Stewart wondered.

"I'm fine, but worst case scenario, yes." I answered.

I already felt dizzy sitting up.

"I need to lay down." I said.

"Do you want me to lay down with you?" He genuinely asked.

"Yes, please." I nodded.

I gently moved to let him lay on the couch. He put his feet onto the arm of the couch before I laid on top of him. This was not only a serotonin booster, but this is also helping my muscles relieve themselves from the tension that could've turned my legs into Jell-O.

"Is this helping?" He wondered.

"Yeah." I responded.

I took my mind off of my stiff muscles and focused on Stewart's heartbeat gently pounding into my ear. I felt a sudden sensation in my body like I was going to fall. The right side of my body almost reached the cold floor.

"Whoa, whoa, I got you." He assured, keeping me from falling.

I tried to ease myself of the anxiety and replaced my scary thoughts with snuggles from my husband. I almost thought of taking a nap but didn't since showtime was right around the corner and I'd hate for Stewart to miss the show because of me. It's still a couple of hours away, but I didn't want to take any chances.

After lying down for a period of time, my body was back in place. I slowly threw my feet to the floor and watched Stewart rise from the couch as well.

"I think I'm okay." I said to him.

"I'm so glad." He hugged me tightly.

I was really thankful that he stood by my side during a scary situation.

"Go kick ass tonight." I wished him luck.

He reached for his drumsticks and gave me a kiss before going on stage with his bandmates.

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