26 Candles (Simon Le Bon)

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October 27, 1984

After a long wait, my boyfriend is coming home from another Duran Duran tour just in time for his birthday and I can't wait to see him. Six months apart was completely unbearable. I'm scared to see my phone bill because there is no telling how much money I will have to pay for long distance calls. I envisioned the last day we embraced each other before he left and the last thing I said to him: "I'll wait for you." like a cheesy rom com.

My body shook from adrenaline and impatience as I was stuck in traffic. I'd hate to miss watching him leave the plane and search all over for me in the airport as if I was lost. I do not want to imagine fear on his face as he tries to find me, a 5'1 vertically challenged girl that tries to find her way to a 6'1 man with whom she's in love. The last image I want to appear in my head is watching him leave the airport with another girl on his arm. No, no, no. He loves me and only me. He assured me so many times that he cares more about me than a concert stranger. If we were to break up, he wouldn't tell me via telephone. I cannot imagine the fear that both of us could endure if we are on the verge of going our separate ways or losing one another.

I arrived to the airport and parked my car nearest to the entrance. I dashed inside and searched for the gate,
eager to watch him leave the plane. I remember the gate name because I wrote it down on a sticky note and kept it on my refrigerator.

"Where is he? Where is he?" I repeatedly asked myself.

Between the crowd and my height, there was no way I could spot him. These people must've been excited to see Duran Duran. The piercing hollers from the audience never failed to take away the moment that I've anticipated.

I moved away from the crowd and could see the gate. My heart raced and my facial expressions were so hard to control from the adrenaline that rushed through my body. I never knew greetings can be this exciting.

I couldn't see from a distance, but I could see him: Simon. I watched him walk towards me as he held his bag. I couldn't help but to run to him for an emotional and longly anticipated greeting. He dropped his bag to the floor to reach for me as I jumped into his arms for the tightest hug that I could give him. It's been too long.

"180 days." I whispered, counting the six month separation between us. 

"I'm home, darling." He whispered in my ear.

He set me down and I helped him with his bags. As we left the airport, I let him drive my car after I gave him the keys. I almost couldn't contain myself on the way home because I missed him so much.

We arrived home and I helped him bring everything inside. I didn't expect for him to bring a shopping bag from the car.

"This is for you." He said as he handed it to me.

"Aww, you shouldn't have." I blushed.

I reached down into the bag and pulled out a short sleeved black dress.

"It's beautiful." I gasped as I held it.

"You should wear it tonight." He suggested.

Oh right. We're going out to dinner to celebrate.

"I definitely will." I responded.

It wasn't flashy and revealing, it wasn't long or short, it was just the right size. He knows my wardrobe very well. He knows that I like to shop for my own clothes, but I don't mind the occasional dresses and some concert t-shirts from the tour.

I curled my hair, put on makeup and wore my best dress and shoes to match my dress. I linked the band on my silver watch and applied the gold earrings that he gave me. Lastly, I put on a blush shade of lipstick to match my skin tone. I get my wallet and put my lipstick in there in case I need to reapply.

I almost couldn't contain myself after seeing him dressed up and being apart from each other for so long.  

"Wow." He couldn't contain his smile after seeing me.

We were early for a 7:00 reservation.

"I never had a chance to get you something." It just hit me.

I felt horrible for not buying him a birthday present when he buys me gifts.

"It's alright, love. You can make it up to me." He whispered against my lips.

"We only have two hours until our reservation. Why don't I give you a sneak peek?" I hinted.

It started with slow kisses to the impatience between me unbuttoning his shirt and him unzipping my dress.
With every kiss, I could feel nothing but lust and desire. It was like a craving we couldn't ignore.

I lightly gasped as he slowly pushed himself into me. I held a gentle grip onto his hair in between thrusts. His slow pace and skin contact made me crave him more.

"Simon." I breathed.

I felt a shiver as he picked up his pace, holding onto him tighter.

"You're beautiful, darling." He whispered.

His soft voice sent more shivers down my spine. I reached for the nearest object as a wave of pleasure took control of my body. I gripped the sheets and vocally expressed how good I was feeling in that moment. I catch my breath and reach for my watch. An hour remains until our reservation.

"We should get dressed." I reminded.

"Why don't we stay in?" He asked.

"I thought you've wanted to go to this restaurant forever."

"There's always next time."

I'd hate for him to use the celebrity excuse to get into difficult places, but it beats a 2 hour wait.

"Happy Birthday." I said to him after a gentle kiss.

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