Took me by Surprise (Stewart Copeland) ~Requested~

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Requested by VENRISdaloser

Hope you like it!

Stewart hasn't been himself lately. He's been really distant to where it makes me overly concerned about his next move. It's like whenever I walk in the room, he flinches like he has to hide something from me. Even if I want to ask him a simple question, it's like he gets startled easily. I can't help but to wonder the most dreadful possibility: Is he going to break up with me and is trying to find a response? Is he going to leave me and I don't know it? I have so many questions that I can't think clearly.

The Police has been making a new album that has taken up a lot of his time, so I understand it. There have been days where he wouldn't get home until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning because he will not stop working. He puts our relationship first and his career second, but his recent night outs could say different. He is going back today to finish some of the work and hopefully, that'll be the end of it.

"I made some scrambled eggs if you want some." I said to him when he entered the kitchen.

"Did you burn them?" He jokingly questioned.

I turned to look at him, knowing the reference behind his comment.

"Ha ha." I sarcastically replied to his smart-ass comment. "Anyway, do you want some?"

"I'm late for recording. I'll just get some coffee." He said while pouring the hot liquid into his coffee mug and giving me a kiss.

"Love you." I spoke before he closed the door.

It's been three years and I have never seen him act like this before. It's not like him to be quiet because he always talks. I should give him the benefit of the doubt as it is morning and he could be trying to get his mind together.

Later that afternoon, I heard a car pull up in a driveway. I shook it off because it could've been one of the next door neighbors. The approaching footsteps and the door slamming shut said different. Stewart was home.

"Welcome home." I beamed before giving him a kiss. "How was your day?"

"You know the usual. Sting plays bass, Andy plays guitar, I bang shit, write songs, rehearse, repeat." He smiled.

At least he was home earlier than lately. Now that it's Saturday and he doesn't have to worry about studio work, I feel like it should be a perfect time for us to do something together.

"The fair is in town. We should go." I suggested.

"Tonight?" He asked to which I nodded in response.

"Okay. Let's go." He replied.

Maybe all we need to do is communicate and we're okay. We're not the only couple to go through a difficulty in our relationship. Long distance often gets the best of us, but we try to make it work in the best way we can.

We arrive to the fair with a plan to ride as much rides as we can. We go on the Ferris wheel and admired the nightly scenery from the lights with his hand on top of mine. Once we depart from the Ferris wheel, he met with fans that showed up almost out of nowhere and I was sick of it. This was supposed to be our time together and I didn't want his job to interfere.

I grabbed a seat at one of the benches to wait for him, anger and frustration rising in my blood.

"What else do you want to do?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I replied without lashing out at him.

"We could get out of here, maybe go get something to eat and..."

It was at this moment that I couldn't take it anymore.

"That's it!" I shouted without realizing that my loud voice startled him among the other fairgoers around us.

"What is going on with you? Why won't you talk to me? The fact that you won't even say a sentence to me makes me feel nothing but angry at you!" I yelled.

"You're causing a scene." He said lowly.

"I don't care if they listen or not. I'm fed up with this. For the past few weeks, you can't even talk to me anymore or look at me if I'm in the room. I don't know if you're committed to this relationship or not, so speak your mind! Tell me what you want!" I finished.

There was nothing but dead silence following my meltdown. Stewart couldn't find the words to respond and stood in front of me, attempting to wrap me into his embrace when I refused.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

I could've run to the car and never looked back or listen to his apology and anything else he wanted to say.

"I care about you and I'm sorry if I scared you. I'll admit that the stuff at the studio has stressed me out, but that doesn't mean I don't love you because I do." He said while touching my cheek.

Those words of affirmation relieved me and brought a smile to my face for the first time all day. He kissed my forehead.

"Last one to the cotton candy stand has to cook dinner tomorrow night." He bet.

We ran as fast as we could, but I noticed that I didn't hear his footsteps anymore. I stopped to look for him.

"What's going on?" I wondered and turned around to find him.

He was standing still with the fairgoers standing around, leaving me confused.

"I love you and I care about you. I will always talk to you instead of being distant. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He randomly confessed.

He got down on one knee and reached for my hand.

"Erik, will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes." I nodded while tears kept falling from my face.

He stood up to give me a kiss as the crowd applauded us. I have never been so surprised. After a tight hug, I pulled away to see his face.

"This is why you've been distant?" I asked, referring to his proposal.

"Yeah. I wanted it to be special." He smiled. "I've been planning it all day."

It explains why he spoke with fans for at least three hours. I feel bad that I was angry at him for no reason, but I'm relieved that we can be together forever.

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