Matchmaker (Andy Summers)

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Happy Birthday to one of my favorite guitarists


The apartment was clean, I picked up the birthday cake and I already purchased food for tonight. Tonight I was going to throw a New Year's party and a birthday party for Andy since his birthday falls around the same time. I called him and asked if he could come over and help me take down my Christmas decorations, so he didn't know about the party. I only told Stewart and Sting about the party, so hopefully they will keep it on the down low.

Guests started arriving around 8:00 and made their way inside. Some brought gifts for Andy and put them on the coffee table. Shortly thereafter, I was greeted by Sting, Stewart and their significant others.

"Another excellent party, Rachel." Sting complimented. "Not over the top, just a simple party for our dear friend and celebrating a new year."

"It's been so hard keeping this a secret." Stewart added.

Given that Stewart tends to talk a lot, I can understand the difficulty of keeping this party quiet. I'm still proud that he managed to not say a word about it. He and Sting left to talk with some of the party guests while Frances, Sonja and I gossiped.

My friend from work, Kate, came to the party once I told her about Andy. I spoke to her once I had a chance to excuse myself from my previous conversation. She anxiously looked through the party and didn't see a sign of him.

"I thought you said he was going to be here." She told me.

"He is. This is also a surprise party for him, so he's not coming until 9:15." I replied, immediately putting her at ease.

I would've been the worst friend if I told her about him and he didn't show up. After all, his surprise party is gonna be his excuse to come to my apartment.

"Guys, Andy's coming." Stewart announced.

I didn't realize it was 9:15 until he spoke.

"Everyone hide." I hurriedly demanded as everyone followed suit.

I dimmed the lights and crouched by the table. The door carefully swung open and the lights were switched on. We jumped from our spots and shout "surprise" at the top of our lungs.

"Oh, you guys." Andy said with a chuckle.

"Happy Birthday." I said, giving one of my best friends a hug.

"Wait. This is why you asked me to come over?"

I nodded to his question.

"You have to be the sneakiest person I know." He commented.

"They wouldn't be called surprise parties for nothing." I chuckled.

"I guess so."

"There's somebody I want you to meet."

I led him through my apartment to find Kate, who was standing by the window with her glass of punch in her hand. I introduced them to each other and excused myself so they could talk. They seem to be hitting it off really well as she has been smiling nonstop at every little thing he said. I'm happy to see them getting along.

I grabbed the candles from the counter and added some to the cake. Stewart reached for his lighter and carefully lit each one. We started singing happy birthday to Andy and he blew out his candles after making a wish.

After enjoying some birthday cake, Andy opened some of his presents. He thanked each person who gave him a gift for his special day. I gave him some new guitar picks and a new case that he had been wanting for a while.

We moved the gifts by the door so that they wouldn't take up space. I talked with some of the party guests and asked if they were having a good time and if they needed anything.

"Are you kissing anybody?" Andy wondered when I stopped to talk to him.

"No. Who would want to kiss me on New Year's Eve?" I responded.

"There's lots of guys out there that would want to kiss you, but you just haven't found him yet."

A lot of the guys in my apartment were mostly in relationships, so I was short on luck. Andy always had to give me words of assurance, which is why I considered him one of my best friends.

I excused myself from the conversation to grab some pretzels from the bowl on the table. In the meantime, I grabbed the ladle and poured some punch into my cup.

"So, how's it going?" I asked.

"He's so kind and funny." She beamed. "We're going to kiss at midnight."

Part of me wanted to squeal of joy yet the other part of me wanted to keep my composure as there are people in my apartment.




The countdown was on. Another year and another birthday for my friend has come and gone. I briefly reflected on the year and reminisced on some of the moments.






"Happy New Year!"

Our shouts and party blowers rang the apartment, minimally shaking the floor in the process. I looked through the room to watch people briefly kiss their partners as the clock struck 12:00. I may have been alone, but I was having the time of my life and that was the only thing that mattered to me.

The party died down within an hour and people started leaving. I bid good night to everyone while cleaning up with help from Frances and Sonja.

"Thanks again for tonight." Andy said to me.

"Of course." I replied with a smile.

He and Kate leave with their arms linked to each other's. I think they will be great together.

This will be the last story of 2023. Happy New Year!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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