Emotional Goodbye (Nick Rhodes)

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I spent an entire Saturday at the record store and the mall with my best friend, Nick. His friend, Nigel, would join us on our adventures. It has been a weekly ritual for as long as I can remember.

I oddly requested to go to the makeup store to find some eyeliner that a girlfriend recommended. Poor Nick and Nigel were staring at the makeup products and believed that they didn't have a purpose. Nick was so intrigued that he tried at least three different foundations, blush and eyeshadow.

"I bet in two years time, there will be nothing but bright neon colors on display in the makeup section." Nick believed.

"Like for lipstick or for eyeshadow?" I replied since his theory was so vague.

"Either one." He shrugged.

"What's this?" John questioned while holding a tube of concealer.

"It's concealer. You use it to hide blemishes." I explained to him.

"This one says mascara. What do you use it for?" He reached for another item.

"You put it on your eyelashes." I responded.

What was he doing? Quizzing me on makeup?

"What's the purpose of it, too?" He wondered.

"It makes people look good." I explained.

We stayed in the mall a little longer. I checked my watch for the time since we had been out all day.

"I have to get home for dinner." I told them. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I made it home in time for my mother to put dinner on the table.

"Where did you go?" She wondered.

"I went to the record stare and the mall with Nick." I replied.

"You've been spending quite some time with him." My dad muttered before setting the paper down.

"He's my best friend." I defended. "He had dinner here before."

We enjoyed a quiet dinner as a family until my dad remembered some news that he had to share.

"I accepted the job offer." He announced.

I was happy for my father and that he found a job that he loves, but I didn't know what else was coming.

"But the job is in Milwaukee." He disclosed.

"Milwaukee, Wisconsin?" I gasped.

"Yes." He nodded.

Not only am I moving across the country: I'm leaving my best friend behind.

"You must keep this quiet until we're sure about this." My father requested.

"Yes, sir." I nodded in understanding.

This continued to haunt me for the next two weeks. I resumed my Saturday adventures with Nick and Nigel and it hurt me that I couldn't share the most devastating news to them. They've been there for me through thick and thin and I felt they deserved to know.

"You've been quiet. Are you all right?" Nick questioned out of concern.

"Yeah." I lied as I nodded my head.

My dad finally gave me permission to share the news. I sat down with Nick and Nigel over smoothies to tell them why I was feeling down. My heart was breaking before I could speak.

"My dad accepted that job position that I mentioned, but it's in Wisconsin." I disclosed.

"You're moving?" Nigel inquired.

"I am." I nodded.

"When?" Nick asked.

"Two weeks." I responded.

I wasn't ready to leave my friends behind, but I don't have much of a choice. I also hate leaving my life behind too. I want to spend as much time as I can with my friends before I say goodbye.

I spent at least three days packing my belongings into boxes. My bed was stripped, my closet was empty and my drawers were sitting in loneliness. My vinyls and my turntable were packed into a separate box while I kept a box for my clothes, one for my bedding and one for miscellaneous items such as my makeup and my hot rollers.

As I cleaned out every square inch of my room, I discovered the shopping bags that came from my Saturday outings with Nigel and Nick. This was one of the memories that I was going to miss so dearly. I packed the shopping bags as a memory to take with me.

Our house has never looked so empty after selling almost every piece of furniture. Our lives were packed into boxes and stored into the car, moving to another city. Seeing us move from the home where I spent almost my entire life brings out so many emotions. A new house in Milwaukee won't be as sentimental as ours in Birmingham.

"I'm sorry I have to leave like this." I said to Nick.

We tightly hugged while I still had tears in my eyes.

"Rachel, it's time to go." My mother got my attention.

I immediately let go of Nick.

"Bye." I said to him before getting in the car. "I'll write."

I could feel more tears welling in my eyes as we pulled out of the driveway.



I moved out of Milwaukee and found a job as a makeup artist. My parents didn't like the career of my choosing, but they're happy to see me go through life on my own.

"Can I help you, sir?" I suggested to the customer.

"I'm just looking. Thanks." He replied.

I studied his face, trying to remember if I knew him or not. It took at least a minute until I finally remembered.

"Nick." I gasped. "It's me, Rachel."

"Oh, my God. It's you!" He exclaimed before we shared a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here. I moved out of Milwaukee and found a job that I really liked."

"How long have you worked here?"

"Three years. What's going on with you?"

"I joined a band."

"Oh. What band?"

"Duran Duran. I play keyboards."

"What else is new?"

"I got married last year."

"Wow. Congratulations. How is Nigel doing?"

"He goes by John now."

"Sorry. What is John up to nowadays?"

"He's with The Power Station."

"The Power Station?"

"Duran Duran is taking a small break, so we have our own projects. John and Andy, our guitarist, are with The Power Station and I joined Arcadia with Simon, our singer, and our drummer, Roger. You should come to one of our concerts sometime."

"I'd love to. I have to get back to work, but I'll call you when I'm available for an Arcadia concert. It was so good to see you."

We said our goodbyes before I returned to work and he exited the store. Maybe goodbyes aren't forever after all.

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