Come Undone (John Taylor)

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I rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I had nothing planned for the day other than doing my laundry, running errands, pay some bills and maybe take my car to get an oil change. It's Wednesday and it's supposed to be my day to relax, not fulfill my household duties before I go to work tomorrow. The least I could do is was enjoy the serenity for a little longer.

I could hear the loud footsteps approaching that was no other than John, my boyfriend who I lived with for the past two and a half years.

"Good morning, darling." He greeted me.

"Good morning." I responded.

I poured coffee into two mugs and gave one to him.

"I could scramble some eggs." I offered.

"Sounds good." He smiled.

I cook scrambled eggs and place them onto two plates. I love these kind of mornings when he's home and we could spend time together. He is going to meet Simon and Nick at rehearsals, so he won't have to worry about spending time away from me.

"What are you doing today?" He asked me.

"Probably run errands and catch up on laundry." I shrugged.

"Love, you should relax. I can help you."

"I have too much to do and you have a tour to finish."

"Simon and Nick will understand."

"I made a commitment, but I appreciate it."

We finished our breakfast in silence. He put his plate in the sink while I was cleaning up. He tickled my sides, making me burst into laughter.

"Stop." I laughed.

He hugged me while I washed the dishes. I set the sponge down before I could hug him back.

"You have to go to rehearsal." I said without ruining our embrace.

"Oh right. I do." He realized.

"Go before you're late." I ushered him out the door.

He turned around before he could leave.

"John." I said out of impatience. "Nick and Simon are waiting on you."

"Okay." He groaned.

His eyes locked onto mine asking for a kiss. After over two years together, I can read his body language very well. There's no way I could withhold a kiss from him because of those eyes and that adorable face. I leaned on my tip toes to give him a peck before he had to leave.

I took a shower and got ready to leave the house with my T-shirt, jeans and Converse attire. I wanted to get the oil change first so I wouldn't have car problems on my way to work tomorrow. I read a magazine to keep me busy, but I was bored after reading two of them.

Since there was a restaurant a block away, I joined my friend, Anna, for lunch. I haven't seen her since I came home from joining John on the first half of the Duran Duran tour. We were definitely due for catching up.

"So, are you and John okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. We're happy." I responded then I was suddenly
perplexed over the context of her question. "What do you mean?"

"A guy like John comes around once a lifetime: he may be kind and tender and easy on the eyes, but what could his true colors be?"

"Is this because of his fame?"

"You're like my sister and I hate to see you get hurt."

Anna had been involved in relationships where guys cheated on her, so I knew she had some concerns about John. She's met him several times and always got along well with him. Sure, John is known as the good looking one in the band and girls always throw themselves at him. I didn't mind because I know he's loyal to me and I'm very lucky to be with him. I know Anna is looking out for me like any friend would and that she means well. She could also be jealous that I'm dating a celebrity, but I know her well enough that she seldom expresses jealousy.

"I know John is a good guy and I doubt he would do anything to hurt you." She concluded.

Maybe Anna is right. I've had similar comments from other friends, but I shook it off as them warning me about John's celebrity status. I've never seen him once overindulge in fame and debauchery. When we met, he never saw me as a one night stand because I deserve much better than that.

Anna and I finished lunch and I had to go pick up my car. It was ready, so I paid for the oil change and decided to surprise John at rehearsals.

"Hi guys." I beamed. "Where's John?"

"He said he went out for a smoke." Nick told me.

I went outside to find him and I wished I hadn't. Watching his lips locked onto another girl's made my heart drop to my stomach. I could feel nothing but rage when I saw her pull him closer during their kiss. I don't even know from where this blonde came.

John turned around and was in a state of shock when he saw me standing there. The look on his face clearly showed that I wasn't supposed to see him in that position and he feels horrible about his actions.

"Love..." He tried to explain.

I turned around and went inside, almost running into the door from distraction.

"What's the matter?" Simon asked when he gently pulled my wrist.

"Leave me alone." I replied.

I got in my car and drove away in tears, feeling stupid for falling in love with a wealthy celebrity with good looks. I was such a fool. I believed that I was his only one and I could feel nothing but betrayal and anger for him. Every time I thought about the kiss and seeing him with someone that wasn't me, it pained me more and more. I should've listen to my friends when they told me about him.

I slammed the door and unleashed so many tears. The agony of losing John made me cry every second to where I was losing my breath. Oh God, make it stop.


I could recognize that distant shout anywhere. I locked the door and held the knob without letting him inside.

"Rachel, open the door, love." He begged.

"Go away!" I hollered.

"Let's talk about this."

"No! There's nothing to talk about, John! We're through."

"Please. I'm so sorry."

I ignored his exclamations and shifted away from the door. I plopped on the couch, trying to push my worries away and nothing seemed to work. Why does it hurt to end relationships?

I awoke from a nap while the silver throw was still wrapped around my body. Part of me wanted to check if John is still outside and part of me couldn't care less. I doubt if he is outside because he could've left me for the other girl.

The door knob slowly turned to reveal John as he quietly set foot into the foyer. He took an available seat next to me on the couch. I couldn't bear to look at him.

"I never meant to hurt you." He whispered. "She came onto me and I panicked. She doesn't mean anything to me at all."

"I don't know if I can trust you again, John." I sighed. "I think we should probably say goodbye."


"You should go."

He gathered his things and left. I didn't want our relationship to end like this, or at all, but it relieved me that I came to my senses after listening to Anna. This may have hurt and I don't know how I am going to move on with my life.

Short Stories (80s Version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें