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TW: mentions of SA and torture.


Camila May

I felt my body shutter silently back and forth as my hot breath hit the mask and retracted back onto my face. My cheeks flushed red and I could almost feel my pulse elevate as the floor boards creaked above, creating a light layer of dust that fell upon me as I looked up.

"Where is she?" One of them uttered in a tone of urgency that made my blood run cold.

"She was just here, the fireplace is lit" another squawked, letting the wood crunch under his heavy boot.

"She couldn't of gone far. Spread out, I want every inch searched"

Yeah, I'm not staying around for them to find me.

I never did.

Before I go too far, I best explain myself.

It happened six months ago, but it felt longer then that. Six months ago was the day...the day that changed my life forever.

But let's start from the beginning.

1997 was when we fell. Harry Potter dead and all hope lost. The dark lord rose along with the Malevolence that followed him every step and there was no stopping him. The only survivors against the most evil wizard known to man kind—was those of men and the ones who fell to their knees before them.

We had no choice but to cower. It was that or be killed. Everyone I knew made their choice and now lie beneath the ground they spit on.

Me on the other hand, I did what I needed to. To survive was the only option I had, to survive the best way I knew how because I refused, I refused to let myself go down for them.

I've seen the way they smile when another stumbles and I refused to give them the satisfaction.

They killed my family, my friends, everyone that I cared for—was now gone and all I had was myself.

Alone in the cage they locked me in, I was bought and sold like a piece of furniture at auction. I've been assaulted and tortured more times then I can blink. All this starting in a homeland I can no longer recall.

And all I've been able to taste since then is blood.

Up until six months ago when I escaped.

Bought by Amycus Carrow himself, he's as dumb as he looks. I lasted a week before I earned his trust, enough for him to leave me alone in a room and enough time for me to jump out of a second story window.

If it wasn't for the bed of bushes below, I could of fallen to my death amongst the glass covered concrete that lay around his crooked home.

Nothing but a thin night gown clung to my body as I fought against the harsh winter. I'd faced death and seen things that would make the dark lord cry mercy if he ever left his pedestal.

I was on the verge of a quiet grave before I stumbled upon a cabin hidden in between the tree's. There I suck refuge from the last of the cold. I managed to feed myself with what little I found in the cupboards and when it started to warm, I fed myself with what I found in the forest.

I clothed myself with any materials I could find and I was surviving.

And then it happened. The first raid. I only managed to escape by the tips of my fingers and I was onto the next refuge I could discover.

The raids happened 3 more times after that and here is where I find myself today.

The 4th raid in six months. To my advantage, I managed to spot them over the hill before they made it to the cabin and I was able to escape through a trap door under the heavy royal blue carpet that I'd discovered by accidentally falling through when I got here a week ago.

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