469 19 3

Camila May

I sighed and slumped down onto the bed.

"Camila, I need you to understand that we're on the same side here" Theo said as he sat down next to me.

"Same side?" I scoffed.

"I want him dead just as much, if not more, than you do" he admitted "I hate living like this, I hate living in fear. Feeling the name and that weakness course through my veins every waking second. I'm terrified, every single day, I'm terrified of hearing it, of physically feeling my brain switch off at the call"

"What's your name?" I asked and Theo sent me a glare "C'mon, surely you can't Hypnotise yourself"

"I don't know" he shrugged "I've never said it aloud myself"

"Well—" I stood to my feet and rose my arrow "Try it"

"Are you fucking insane?" Theo scoffed as he stood up "Did you not hear me just tell you how much I hate—"

"In lumină prosperăm, dar în întuneric ne ridicăm. Când moartea îți cheamă numele, vei fi de ajuns" I said "Correct?"

"Yeah, but—"

"I'm ready" I insisted "Go"

Theo sucked in a deep breath and finally gave in.

Rolling his head to the side, he closed his eyes and I could see him brace himself for what was possibly about to come. I swallowed the lump in my throat and my body began to shake again.

Why did I suggest this?

"Blagden" he whispered as I tightened the grip on my bow. The room grew silent and the air between us thickened as I stood quietly, waiting for something to happen but as Theo opened his eyes again, there was nothing but fawn.

"Theo?" I questioned slowly "Are you... ok?"

"I'm..." he chuckled in disbelief "I'm fine" slowly he pat his hands down his body "I'm actually okay. I can see, I can hear your annoying voice"


"Everything isn't Blue—Merlin" he sighed in relief. I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the bed.

"Well, at least we now know that you can call your own name without going batshit" I shrugged and slipped the arrow back into the bag on my back "Hey—shouldn't we go check on Malfoy?"

"Oh yeah" Theo chuckled "Almost forgot about him"

I laughed and together we walked back from the room and into the living area again to find Draco longer on the ground.

"Draco?" Theo said curiously.

"Fucking hell" looking up to our right, we saw Draco hunched over the kitchen sink with a damp towel covering the open wound on his upper arm.

"There you are" Theo smiled and walked towards him.

"What the fucking happened?" Draco groaned as he applied pressure to the laceration.

"Camila said your name" Theo said as he took the towel off Draco and began to lightly wipe the blood "Told her not to but she doesn't like to listen, this one"

"You did what now?" Draco snapped his head towards me and glared furiously "What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you even understand what it means—"

"I think I pretty much got the picture when you tried to rip my head off" I frowned.

"You broke my wrist, dear friend" Theo chuckled as though it didn't bother him "Hurts like a bitch"

"Did I?" Draco's eyes widened as he looked down at Theo's injured wrist "Sorry"

 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora