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Just in case anyone doesn't understand. Texts in this chapter written in italics are not verbal but sigh language :)

Camila May

Crouched behind a bush, I looked over at Draco and Theo who sat just across from me, not being able to hear a word i'm saying with the plugs in their ears or even see me due to the darkness of the cold night.

The plan was to get past the walls unnoticed and to greet Draco's mother who I found out was just as much victim inside. I haven't seen her since 6th year and I don't even know if she'd recognise me.

According to Draco, Voldemort still sat in the main dining hall, in the west wing of them manor. Right now we sat just outside on the east side.

Death eaters upon death eaters patrolled the outside of the perimeter so getting past them would be our main challenge.

'Can you see anyone in our path?' Draco signed to me subtly. I breathed out slowly before peeking through the gaps of the bush I sat behind.

I saw a death eater wonder around my line of vision.


Draco nodded before turning back to Theo and signing something I couldn't see from so far away.

I sat back against the bush and breathed so shallow. I could see my breath in a mist of white come out in the cold air surrounding me. I shivered slightly, partly because it was freezing but mostly because I was scared.

Fear was the only thing I felt these days. I figured after so many years that I'd get used to the feeling of not knowing if I'd make it to tomorrow but it never got easier.

The feeling never subsided.

I couldn't see so far in front of me due to the darkness but my hearing accelerated and every snap in the wind had me flinching and raising a weapon.

"Camila—" raising my knife, I nearly fucking stabbed him "Sorry—sorry"

"Fuck" I breathed.

"I can't hear myself" Theo said "But you can so listen closely. You're not gonna like this and if we had any other choice, I wouldn't never suggest but—"

I shook my head instantly, knowing he wouldn't be able to hear if I verbally protested.

"Camila, we need you to create a distraction" he breathed "You're the only one out of the three of us who have an advantage against all those fuckers out there"

'What am I supposed to do?' I asked.

"Whatever you can" he whispered before turning back to Draco who looked clueless.

'What is she doing?" He asked Theo as he returned.

I closed my eyes and sucked a deep breath in. Standing slowly, I wasn't tall enough to peer over the bush so they couldn't see my just yet.

I looked over at the boys just as Theo finished telling Draco who was happening. Immediately Draco turned around to stare at me, shaking his head profusely.

'Camila... no'

'There's not another choice' I answered before turning back away. From what I could see, there was about four death eaters outside right now, all weaponed with their wands.

I had to be smart about this.

Dropping my bow n arrow to the ground by the bush, I stepped out from behind it, leaning my weapon on the ground. I didn't look back at Draco because I knew the look of terror that would be on his face right now.

 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now