402 15 6

Camila May

We've been walking for days.

Unfortunately I wasn't unconscious this time.

It's been 2 days since we left the small motel in Loch Lomond. It was risky staying there in the first place, let alone to sleep another night. So we left as soon as we ate and I refilled my drink bottle.

I had no clue where we were going. No matter the countless times that I'd asked, Draco wouldn't tell me anything and Theo didn't even answer when I asked him. To say that I trusted them would be far stretched because to be honest, I didn't really.

I knew it was stupid to be blindly following them but I hadn't another choice. Draco and Theo were right about what they said back at the cabin, I've survived so far on luck. I wasn't sure how far I thought I'd get before being captured or even killed.

At the start I had a fear that they'd hand me in themselves but I think I have a pretty good judge of character. They hadn't even mentioned it at all and to think that they were in danger just as I was, was kind of comforting in a way.

My feet felt like they were on fire.

We only stopped for 5 minutes at a time and that was only after an hour of constant walking. It seemed as though these woods had no end.

But this time it felt longer and it took strength, strength I didn't have to spare, so my knees wouldn't buck and I wouldn't fall to the ground. The heavy bag on my back along with the bow and arrow, wasn't helping either.

"Malfoy!" I shouted. He didn't stop but looked back at me as he kept walking "How much further until we get to where you're leading me?"

"Why are you complaining so much?" He groaned and turned his head back.

"Complaining? We've been walking for days with little to no rest and you wanna talk about my complaints?" I scoffed and walked a little faster to catch up with him "I'm tired"

"You're alive" He said "Focus on that and keep walking"

"I'm stopping" I said and suddenly stopped in my tracks. I heard Draco give a loud groan before stopping as well and turning around to face me.

"Good god you're annoying" he rolled his eyes.

"I'm thirsty and my legs feel like they're gonna fall off so just give me a second will you?!" I frowned and took the water bottle from my back "I'll walk away without you in a second"

"Yeah, that's what you do best" he mumbled in hopes I wouldn't hear but I did.

Oh, I fucking did.

"Excuse me?" I said and slipped the bottle back into my bag "What I do best? You really wanna venture down that road right now, Malfoy?"

"Why not? It could be better then the one were on now" he said as he turned to fully face me.

"Don't give me that sarcastic shit you prick" I spat "You know what happened"

"Do I?" He squinted his eyes and took a step toward me. Theo just stood back and watched us quietly "Because it's seems to me like you just up and left before I even got then chance to talk to you"

"Why the fuck would I wanna talk to you?" I chuckled sarcastically "Are you really that fucking dense?"

"Me? It wasn't even what it bloody looked like" he groaned and swiped a hand over his mouth.

"You fucking cheated on me!" I shouted angrily and took a step closer "Swindle your way out of that one, Malfoy. Just like you do with every little thing in your life"

 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora