492 20 14

Camila May

"Oh... Camila" Theo whispered as he took a step towards me. This time it wasn't so threatening and instead it provided a sense of warning and urgency.

I lowered my bow slightly as I noticed the change of atmosphere. My smile dropped when I looked over and noticed Draco now with his eyes closed. I was utterly confused and it wasn't until Theo gently grabbed me by the arm that I thought something was wrong.

"Theo...?" I lowered my bow completely and saw Theo not take his eyes off Draco for a second.

"I need you to listen to me so very carefully" he whispered "Right now we are not enemies. Whatever you have against me is going to have to be shoved so far down that you completely forget who I even am. Do you understand?"

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"We have about 5 minutes" he said as he slowly drew me back with him.

"Five minutes for what?" I gave a breathy chuckle.

"To fucking run"

I wasn't able to question further Draco opened his eyes up again but Instead of his normal grey hues, his whole socket covered in Viridian, a colour so dark I could see my reflection.

"Or maybe not"

There wasn't a lot that frightened me these days. I've been through more hell then the devil himself but right now, I felt a sense of fear that never had I experienced before. The look in his eyes was one of a dead person, one I've seen in so many of my friends and family. It was cold and lifeless with not a single shred of humanity.

Theo and I stood still just as Draco did. Just staring at him and waiting for him to do something, do anything to confirm he was even still alive. 

"Mate..." Theo said slowly and in the blink of an eye, Draco's head moved so fast it almost looked like a flinch. He stared us down like we were prey and he was the starving predator.

"I'm gonna push you" Theo said and again, I had little time to question before Draco charged at us with so much force, the floor shook underneath my unsteady balance.

Theo pushed me to the side and I fell to the ground. He dived to the other side to avoid Draco's harsh grip as he launched forward and attempted to grasp hold of anything he could reach.

Once he discovered that now nothing lie in his path, he looked over at Theo on the ground and charged again.

Theo sprung to his feet quickly and sprinted past him where he leapt over the couch and back onto the ground to shield himself.

I didn't understand what was going on. I couldn't get a handle on what I done. All I knew is that it was bad.

Draco spun on his heel and I felt my heart jump from my chest as he looked me directly in the eyes. My hands started to tremble in fear and a sudden wave of realisation hit me when I noticed my bow and arrow no longer with me but sprawled across the ground.

Behind Draco.

"Fuck" I cursed and couldn't find the strength to pull myself up.

It was when Draco started to walk towards me that I pushed myself back and quickly shuffled along the wooden floor boards in attempt to get away.

"Draco!" I tried to call his name but it was like he couldn't hear me, he couldn't understand me like he was in some sort of trance "Theo! What's going on—help!" I squealed as Draco dove down to grab me.

I managed to roll myself to the side, avoiding his grasp and finally mustered the strength to stand and dart to the other side of the room.

"Hey!" Theo shouted and jumped up to catch Draco's attention. Thankfully it worked and he looked away from me but now he was storming towards Theo "Hey—mate!"

 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now