325 15 1

Camila May

Waking up naturally to the sun burning on my face from the window, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Looking around, I found the space beside me empty and cold. Falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat thumping in my ears and I'd the best sleep since I was 16.

Yawning quietly, I stood from the bed and stretched for a second. Now In the daylight, I was able to see Blaise's dorm perfectly and just how kept it was.

It's insane to think about all the chaos in the world and then just to walk into a room that still looks as though someone still lives here.

Looking down and seeing my bag on the floor, I reached over and hoisted it up onto the bed.

Everything I possessed lie in this backpack.

And although not much, I was thankful to say I had anything at all.

There was no running water left in the castle so without a shower, I threw my clothes back on. It wasn't anything I wasn't already used to so it didn't bother me all that much.

After getting dressed, I went to tie my hair into a ponytail when suddenly I was being pulled away from the bed by the waist. My back hit someones chest and before I could scream, their hand slithered over my mouth as well as a sharp knife to my throat.

I whimpered softly and tried to struggle against their hold but each move I made just inched the knife deeper into my skin.

"Make a noise and I'll slit your fucking throat" He grumbled deeply. Despite his threat, I cried loudly and this only angered him even more "Are you deaf? Shut the fuck up!"

Looking down on the bed, I noticed my own bow and knife completely out of my reach.

Suddenly there came a soft knock to the door.

"Camila?" it was Theo "Are you up?"

"Keep your mouth closed" the man whispered harshly before dragging me towards the bathroom. I complied and kept my mouth shut, scared for my life, I let him take me into the bathroom and close the door behind us.

There was no window nor light in this room so once he shut and locked the door, there was nothing but darkness.

Sitting down on the floor, he dragged me down with him and continued to hold and threaten me.

"Camila?!" Theo's voice could now be heard a little louder which had me knowing he was inside the room and just discovering I wasn't "Camila?!" Another shout of my name but now it sounded more urgent and worrisome.

"Don't make a sound" he threatened, keeping the knife at my throat but removing his hand slowly.

My breath started to grow shallow along with the tears.

Closing my eyes, I breathed heavily.

Please work.

"Focus on your breath, sweetheart"

In through my nose, out quietly threw my mouth.

A knock came to the bathroom door, distracting me. I cursed in my mind and listened to the handle of the door tussle quickly. I placed my hand on the cold tiled ground and took another breath.

I shut out the noise and pushed down my fears.

"Focus on your breath, sweetheart"

Opening my eyes slowly, I felt a sigh of relief pass by my lips as the wall head of me glowed a bright white. Turning my head subtly to the side, I looked at the one eyed man still holding onto me. He looked back at me with a, now terrified, expression as he stared me in the eyes.

 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now