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Camila May

"Where are we supposed to go from here?" I asked.

"My mothers held in the upper east wing where Voldemorts set up his dungeons in one of the dining rooms" Draco said as he wiped the blood of the bodies on the floor off his chin.

"It's not gonna be easy to get past" Theo sighed "This place is crawling with his minions and we're outnumbered a hundred to three"

"Nothing these past few years have been a walk in the park" I responded and stepped over the bodies to look down the dark hallway ahead "We ought to be used to it by now"

"She's right" Theo said and stepped beside me "Whatever we're doing, we need to do it now and before they discover these bodies and the house goes on lockdown"

Draco huffed and turned around to face us.

Together we walked down the rest of the hallway and was met with another staircase. All the years I'd spent in and out of this house and still I couldn't recognise where we were or where to go.

This place was eerily quiet despite all the evil that lurked around. I felt like I could hear my own heartbeat thump in my chest and the blood rush through my body.

We walked slowly up the stairs, afraid to have the wood freak and give away our presence until we reached the top and was met with another array of closed doors.

Some family portraits of Draco and his family still hung but faded and dusty. Some even had slashes amongst Draco's smiling frame and what I could only guess was stained blood.

"Does your mother know we're here?" I whispered to Draco as we continued to walk down the long hall.

"I hadn't a way to contact her" he whispered back "When I left, I promised I'd come back for her and it's what I'm doing"

"Somethings not right" Theo suddenly said as he stopped walking in the middle of the hallway. Draco and I stopped as well and turned around to face him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's too quiet, we haven't seen any death eaters besides the three down there and we're walking without a threat" Theo whispered and suddenly Draco's frame grew still beside me.

I looked around confused. It was clear they knew something I didn't.

"Well...." I waved "Be kind and share with the class"

"They know we're here" Draco whispered and it sent a chill down my spin.


"Camila, Down—!" suddenly Theo launched forwards and dragged me to the ground with him as a hex just barley missed the back of my head.

I dropped to the floor and spun around to see who shot the spell and standing at the end of the hallway was a group of about 5 death eaters all with Wands drawn and at the ready.

"We can't go around quiet anymore" Theo said as he picked me up with him and rushed behind a pillar to shield ourselves "This needs to break loose and it needs to now" he said as he looked at me.

"You want me to—"

"We don't have a choice" He said and peeled around the pillar to find them all hurriedly approaching us.

"Okay—I just need a second and I need to concentrate" I said "I can't do anything when I'm being shot at"

"Theo and I will distract them" Draco said from the other side of me "Whatever you need us to do—we will. Just get us the fuck out of here"

 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now