598 22 42

Camila May

Sleep fell upon me quicker then expected and before I knew it, I was woken by the harsh light of morning that shone through the cracked bedroom window above me.

I slept only in the black nightgown I had been in since day one expect I had been ripped so it now was at use as a tank top.

I quietly stretched and went to throw the thick blanket off my body until I heard voices.

I stopped still.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but the thought of being caught made my body stiff.

I let out a deep breath and slowly I stood to my feet and picked up my clothing. Quietly I got  dressed and picked up my knife from the dresser before slipping it into my pocket.

It sounded as though there was two people but I couldn't know for sure.

I looked to my left and spotted my bow n' arrow rested next to the door. Quietly as possible, I picked it up and placed the arrows over my back and bow in hand.

Archery was always something I was gifted in. Ever since I was little, I'd been trained to use one just like my mother. By the time I was 11 and starting school, I'd won almost every competition I'd competed in.

Simpler times.

Who knew it would come in handy?

Carefully, I took a step towards the door. I wrapped my gloved covered hand around the door knob and slowly opened.

I peeked my head out into the hallway and spotted no one.

I turned back and picked up my bag before slinging it over my shoulder and creeping out into the hallway.

The cottage was now quiet and I could almost hear what they were saying.

"Someone was here. The fireplace is hot"


I kept my bow raised and slowly snuck up the short hallway.

Before long I was met with the open area that joined the kitchen and living room.

There stood a person. Dressed in heavy black cloaks, I couldn't tell whether they were male or female—most likely male. They sat crouched next to the fireplace, a pale hand outstretched above the wood that burned just minutes ago.

I watched from a distance as they stood back up and stepped back, taking a seat onto the couch.

I took this as an opportunity strike.

Retrieving the knife from my pocket, I slowly and quietly crept behind them. I was so close now that I could smell them. Peppermint and sandalwood, an expensive scent that only meant trouble.

From experience.

I took a second to calm my nerves before quickly flipping the knife open and pressing it underneath their chin.

"Right now my knife is placed just over your carotid artery" I said quietly "This means that one clean slice and it'll cut the blood flow to your brain, taking a matter of minutes before your head suffocates and you bleed out. A horizontal cut across the neck and throat will not only sever your Jugular Vein and cause death, but will also cut the trachea and ligaments that control movement of the head. A powerful slash across your Pectoral muscle will destroy your ability to defend yourself and you could loose your head"

I moved the knife carefully, outlining every way I could cut.

"I'm going to give you one chance and one chance only" I threatened "Tell me who you are, how you got in here and how you fucking people keep finding me?"

 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now