484 19 0

Camila May

As we walked quietly down the hallway, I heard the voices further approach the cabin which had me question how they found it in the first place.

I stumbled, or rather, fell upon it by accident but it wasn't exactly out in the open for anyone to find or venture towards. Whoever they were must of known exactly where to go and what to find.


For fuck sake.

It had only been one night, one slightly peaceful night where I'd had the best sleep in years.

Theo led the way ahead of us as we reached a dead end down the hall way. I was about to question until he mumbled something inaudible under his breath and the wall in front of us part to reveal a hidden staircase that led into the darkness below.

I was hesitant to go down there but staying up here was far more worse.

We all wasted no time before stepping down and letting the wall close behind us, enveloping us into pure darkness. I guided my way simply by holding onto Theo's arm and trusting he wouldn't let me fall on my face.

That was until Draco reached over and flicked a switch on the wall that turned on a light to brighten what was at the bottom of the stairs.

It was just a plain room.

One single bed and a few shelves full of food that was no doubt expired by now.

Stepping down the last stair, I walked right over and sat on the bed while Draco and Theo remained up right and on their feet.

Above was quiet until a muffled explosion was heard and dozens of loud footsteps rattled inside.

"How the fuck does she keep getting away?" A familiar voice said as the footsteps stopped right above us.

How the fuck do you keep finding me?

Slowly both Theo and Draco turned to look at me as they realised the people above were taking about me.

"They don't like me very much" I nervously chuckled.

"Stupid slut took my eye" one of them grumbled.

The boys own eyes widened and I just shrugged.

"He screams like a girl" I whispered and stood to my feet.

"Empty bottle of scotch and an aid kit?" Another said "Poor lamb must of hurt herself"

"We need to go" Draco said as he walked towards the other side of the room and pulled open and door I hadn't even noticed before. It revealed another staircase that went up instead of down.

"Come" Theo said as he took off behind Draco. I followed closely and was soon surrounded in darkness once again until we reached the top where another door sat.

Draco slowly pushed open the door and I was surprised to find the light of day sitting on the other side. It revealed the quiet woods behind the cabin.

Both Theo and I followed Draco outside and into the fresh air.

I cursed and pulled my mask over my face.

The boys did the same and Draco looked around to see if the coast was clear before we walked away from the door.

It seemed as though we'd go unnoticed until I heard a stick crunch from behind me. I swung my head around and looking me dead in the eye was one of the filthy fuckers with a shit eating grin.

"Ello' pretty lady" He chuckled "Found yourself some company, have we?"

I didn't get to answer before Draco grabbed my hand and began running in the opposite direction. In the near distance I could hear the death eater call out to the others and at once they all started to chase us through the trees.

 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt