Settling In.

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Purple held something close to his chest as he watched the trio talk. The jerk targeting them went near before Gold noticed and pulled them to safety.

"Watch who you deal with... because those three need to graduate."


It could've been anyone else. But of course Silver took the hit. Gold stayed by his side as Crystal scolded the kid that hit him and calmed him down. His cheek was still red from the hit. As the kid stormed off, she went back over and rubbed his back.

"Easy... Silver kept his head down as Gold held him close.

"Don't cry... come here..." Silver made no noise as he slightly peaked out. He scanned the area before burying his face into the taller boy's shoulder.


Purple gathered together his bag. Many changes had hit the school. Some of the many were that the red ranks changed. His team had passed the needed tests to be with the regular kids. Not him. He failed and was badly in the dark. No one had joined him this year that he knew of. Some news kids had joined and yet he was alone.

The teacher, Mrs. Kalen, saw his face as he grabbed his stuff and went to the lunch room. The new students had yet to take the test to see where they stood. So maybe he'd have an ally or two.

He entered the lunchroom as the lunch ladies caught sight of him. He wasn't the greatest student there, so he instantly went to the corner away from the other kids to not get the "you shouldn't be near the best". He spotted Pink making her way over as he got comfy and pulled out his lunch.

"Hey Twin of mine."

"Say your business now before Madam Lin kills me."

"I'll smack her. Now, why don't you join the rest of us?"

"Madam Lin doesn't like Red Ranks near the others. Now leave me alone before I smack you." She rolled her eyes.

"You're just plotting to take over the school." He caught sight of Madam Lin making her way over.


"She won't move me. Now, please?" He gave the look over 'No Ma'am, I'm not ok' before going back to his food. Then there was the lovely voice.

"Miss, please go back to your table."

"Why? I can't talk to my twin brother?" Purple didn't respond as the two ladies locked eyes.

"He's a Red Rank."

"And? He's my brother. If I can't talk to him now, I'll talk to him later. You can't separate him." She then called out to someone. "Lime! We may want to talk about moving tables!" Purple finally spoke after he put his head down.

"We can do this at home! Spare me!" Pink chuckled as she turned to Madam Lin.

"This is about to be a great year." Purple sent her a glare before he called over to the other table.

"Forest! Come get your girlfriend before I throw her at you guys!" Pink glared at him as he shoved a sandwich in his mouth. Forest did actually grab Pink, managing to not start a twin war.


5 new dexters to replace the four that left. Gold introduced them while Silver stood behind him correcting him. Purple didn't show up, so Crystal brought him up. They weren't all surprised, but still. They were able to bond with the seniors instantly, getting to know the rules and everything.


Purple was sitting alone in the Red Rank classroom when a gentle voice raced through.

"Purple." He looked up at Mr. Von. "We have a student joining us."

"Was there a mistake on the test?"

"No. We have a new member. She'll be joining us in a few minutes." Purple sighed as he looked down at his work. Lovely. A knock touched the door before Mr. Von spoke. "I'll leave you to that." Purple stayed quiet as someone sat down next to him and the door closed. He then spoke.

"Did you fail on purpose?" Silence followed briefly.


"The test."

"No... I'm always in special education. I have a certain learning style even though I test into the Advanced Classes." Purple scoffed.

"There's never room in the Advanced Classes. I knew a senior... who graduated last year... the teachers couldn't get him in and then tried to keep him busy. Never worked."

The person hummed as he glanced at them. He noted the old uniform the students are first given and bunny beanie. Her bag also had the same look as her beanie; a calm pink with a simple bunny design. Her dark hair calmly danced behind her as he hummed.

"Do you want to know what this means?"

"What?" He purred.

"You won't just get special education... but you get to do things that the other can't and keep it safe." She paused.

"What does that mean?" He gave a sly smile.

"I'll... tell you at lunch... ok?" She nodded as he paused. "How many others failed the test?" She paused.

"I heard that there might've been someone else... but I don't know... Why?"

"More people, the better. So let's just hope-" He paused as the door opened and a male came in. He adjusted his headphones as Purple smiled.

"Red Rank?" The boy nodded. "Have a seat. We'll get to know each other... and if fate formed this group."


"The Bully from before-"

"Leave it Sil. We'll deal with him."

Purple held something close to his chest as he watched the trio talk. The jerk targeting them went near before Gold noticed and pulled them to safety.

"Watch who you deal with... because those three need to graduate."

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