Plan One.

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Purple hummed as he eyed the duo, who were looking for Silver.

"Two steps. One End."


Scrappy took notes as she analyzed Gold and Crystal. According to her notes from class, there was a couple and a knight. It was obvious who was who. However, she was looking for ways to link them. Sadly, Crystal and Gold, who were supposed to be the 'couple', always made it a personal challenge to see how long they could go without asking the other for help. It was annoying.


Oat silently watched Silver as he spoke to a few other waves. It was harder looking at this angle. The practical night student hardly showed anything as they spoke in soft voices.


Purple hummed at the information from the other two. This looked harder than before.

"So what now?" He hummed as he rubbed his face.

"We start with learning about the darkness. When it comes out, we fight it."


Purple hummed as he eyed the duo, who were looking for Silver.

"Two steps. One End."

Pillars of TemperatureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora