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"What did you do!?" The others turned to where Purple was on the roof. Not a sound followed as he disappeared. But Pink saw the flash in his eyes.

'You know what I did.'


Purple slipped a note into Gold's locker. Making sure no one saw him. He then vanished, going to find Crystal. For Crystal, he slipped a note into her pocket, almost getting caught by the senior.

Both seniors discovered the notes later. Same place, same time.

Crystal went during lunch, having nothing better to do. She looked around and hummed. Obviously, the person was going to be waiting till after school. She went to leave when something covered her face, a sweet smell catching her off guard. She blacked out as the person caught her.

Gold went after school, which was the right time. He paused before calling out.

"Hello?" He frowned before a splitting pain struck him in the back of the head. He collapsed, darkness clouding his vision.


The others panicked at the two Seniors' disappearance. They couldn't find them at home or at school. Forest was quiet as they tried to figure it out. Meanwhile, his mind was racing. Who told them that Crystal went home early?


Suddenly, he looked up at the roof, seeing the mystery boy. His eyes were lit up, which signaled that he had a plan. He then called out.

"What did you do!?" The others turned to where Purple was on the roof. Not a sound followed as he disappeared. But Pink saw the flash in his eyes.

'You know what I did.'

As he disappeared, something floated down and landed gracefully on the ground. Scrappy was brave enough to go over and pick it up. She went back and showed it to the others.

"This isn't your fight. I'm dealing with a threat, so leave my operation alone."

"I'm going to shoot him. What operation could he have thrown together this time?" Oat and Scrappy silently exchanged looks. He had said he was going to pull his big hand.


Gold groaned weakly as he sat up, gripping his head from the pain that had resurfaced. What happened? He only remembered going to meet someone- was that an ambush?

"Morning..." He turned to see Crystal a little ways from him, stretching gently from something. "Good to see you're awake."

"Where are we?" She chuckled.

"I have no idea. But I've already tried to break out of here to get away from you." He stuck his tongue out before getting to his feet. Where they were wasn't small, but it was still only one room. He sat down on the other side of the room, staying as far from her as he could.

"Have you, I don't know, reached out?"

"Bags are gone. I haven't found a way to communicate." He groaned softly.


Purple hummed as he finished the texts. He made sure the duo's parents understood that the two seniors were busy while finishing his plan. He grabbed the note before going over to the room they were in. Slipping it under the door, he then went over and packed his stuff up. He hid it in a special compartment before getting himself ready.


Crystal snatched up the note while Gold stayed where he was. They had been glaring at each other before it entered. She looked at it and paused.

"This better be a joke." She frowned before passing it to him.

"I'm not entirely sure." He looked at it and paused.

"I barely managed to get this note to you guys before the people here grabbed me. I still don't know who it is, but they know they're caught. You two need to work together to get out of here. Oh, and getting me out would be nice.


The two fell silent before Gold groaned.

"Someone strangle me."

"Not till we get out of here." He rolled his eyes as he watched her look around. "Besides. Purple needs help too."


It took a few minutes. But eventually (Begrudgingly working together), they managed to get out of the room (Gold ended up knocking down the door). They did find Purple, tied up in another room. Gold dealt with the ropes while Crystal gently got the tape off. He gasped slightly before she touched his shoulder.

"Easy. We'll get you out of here." He nodded as he was helped to his feet. His legs shook as he gripped the wall. Gold picked him up to help him out.

"Come on."


Purple watched them from afar, watching as they got into another argument about what happened. Not quite there.

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