Blade's Frost.

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"Oh, then how do you suppose I should get Gold to trust Crystal that isn't locking them in a room for a week?"



Purple had asked as many people as he could to find a way to get Gold to trust Crystal. But there was one main problem. The Flames were their own unit. To help them was like threatening a family. Even Blue couldn't help him since he sealed secrets out of Purple's reach. Lovely.

It only occurred to him after the Red Ranks had a bad morning that he knew a Flame personally. And he knew what he had to do.


"You want me to do what?"

Purple had this look on his face. He knew it was a bad idea, but what else was he supposed to do?

"I need a victim."

"And?" He gulped.

"I particularly need someone close to Senior Gold."

"And?" He finally bowed his head.

"Come on, Sis! I've run out of ideas and the other flames have closed ranks!" She narrowed her eyes.

"I'm not being a victim just because you don't think of a good idea." He straightened up instantly.

"Oh, then how do you suppose I should get Gold to trust Crystal that isn't locking them in a room for a week?" Her mouth opened for a second before she thought about his words.

"What?" He bowed his head.

"I got Senior Crystal~zelvena to trust Senior Gold~zelvena with what happened to Emerald~talve. Now I need to get it to be the other way around. So unless you have a brighter idea, I have nothing else!" She paused.

"Don't the Waves have any info?" He looked up at her like she had asked something stupid.

"Yeah. You go ask the Waves how to deal with the Flames. Has Forest found a way to relocate your memory or has he given up because you Flames keep holding back info!?" She took a step back as he took a steady breath. "Now. Unless you have a brighter idea, I've run out of options."

"Well, I'm not being a bloody victim just cause you don't have an idea." He dropped his head as she started walking away. The second she was out of earshot, he growled.

"Fine. I'll do it myself."


Scrappy understood the assignment. Using wits to counter Pink's judgment, she was able to knock the Flame out and to an unknown location. And all Purple had to do was start the act. He was able to convince Forest and Lime to play along (Since Pink wouldn't). Oat helped even further by taking her phone from Scrappy and handling that end.

Purple waited until the next day to start the act.

"Have you seen Sister Pink~kels?" Forest raised an eyebrow as they entered the school, entering Gold's earshot.

"No. She's not home?" Purple shook his head.

"Never came home. I thought she went to your place." Forest shook his head.

"She said she was going to..." He opened his texts and showed the messages (that Oat had sent). "But then she changed her mind and said she wasn't feeling well."

"Well... she never came home." Lime went over with a pause.

"Something wrong?" Purple glanced at her.

"Sister Pink-kels's missing. She never came home and according to Forest, she was supposed to come home because she 'wasn't feeling well'." Lime paused.

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