-Chapter Four-

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POV: Jupe

Two weeks had went by.  Me and Jaden had been hanging out a lot. I was now on my way to go hang out with Jayla, we decided we would watch the notebook, and buy a lot of snacks. So that leads us here in Jayla's car with, Jaden and Wanna.  And Jayla driving us to target to get snacks. Blasting 'Baby' by Justin Beiber.  I was in the front seat singing my lungs out, and Jayla doing the same.

"YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME, I KNOW YOU CARE!" I sung along, to the lyrics.

"JUST SHOUT WHENEVER, AND I'LL BE THERE!" Jayla finishing the next part.

"Can you guys shut the fuck up." Wanna yelled at us.

"Damn, who put a stick up your ass?" Jayla commented, with me laughing. 

"Wanna I don't care what you say, no one can top this song. So how about you shut the fuck up." I said to him. Then Jayla turned the music back up so we could keep singing.  I looked in the mirrors from the car to see the twins rolling their eyes.

We had arrived to target, and we were putting a bunch of sugar foods inside the cart.  Some fans came up to the three siblings asking for pictures and stuff.  I honestly forgot they were famous, it's just weird to imagine.

We had finished paying and we were now heading back to the Walton's residence. Me and Wanna were arguing about who was gonna sit in the front seat, but he pushed me out the way so I had to sit in the back with Jaden.  But I wasn't complaining.

The windows were down and the wind was flowing in my hair, felt nice since it was a hot day.         I could feel a cold hand rub against my thigh. I looked to see Jaden's hand, I turned to look at him, but he was just looking out the window. I slithered my arms around his arm, and rested my head on his shoulder.  After a moment I felt his head rest on mine. I felt complete, safe, loved. He made me feel a different type of way, but I liked it.


Me and Jaden, were baking cookies while on live, with music playing . While Wanna and Jayla were looking for another movie to watch since, we had finished watching the Notebook. We were standing in front of the phone reading the comments waiting for the oven to beep. While I was reading the comments I could feel Jaden's hands snake around my waist.

"Stop their so cute!!"

"Wait are they dating??"

"She's so short compared to him. LMFAO"

"Is that your girlfriend Jaden???"

"Yes she's definitely my girlfriend," He said winking. But he was obviously playing around so I played along.  I turned to look at him and kissed his cheek. 

Suddenly the song 'Puppy Love' started playing. "Oh my gosh I love this song." I said to him.

He put his hand out for me to grab, and we started dancing the same way we did when we first met.

He pulled me in, and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad we met." He whispered in my ear.  And he kissed my forehead.

We had put the cookies on a big plate and sat on the couch, me sitting next to Jaden.  The movie was kind of boring honestly, and I was getting tired. I rested my body on Jaden's and his arms tightened around my body. "Goodnight, Ma" and he kissed me on the forehead.


The next morning I woke up to see Jaden cuddled in my shoulder. I took a moment to admire his features, till he had to ruin it. "Take a picture it will last longer." I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, you're so annoying." I pushed him slightly. "You know you love me." 

"Sure. Whatever." His morning voice is so attractive. 

He looks so good right now, damn hes fucking fine.

"I know I am." My eyes widened almost instantly.

"Wha- did I say that out loud." 

"Maybe. Or maybe I'm just a mind reader. You may never know."

I tried to change the subject. "It's freezing in you're house." He pulled my waist on top of him "Better?" I hummed in response. Till I heard his mom yell that breakfast is ready.

I got up from the bed, and he quickly grabbed my wrist.

"Nooo! Stay it's cold." I rolled my eyes.

"Then put a shirt on, it's that easy." I kissed his cheek and walked out of his room. And went downstairs to see Jayla, Wanna, Daelo, Jessica and Dj, all eating pancakes.

"Hey, kid." Dj greeted. "Hi." I greeted back. "You hungry?" He asked, "Yesss, I'm starving."

"Help yourself." He said with a smile.

Later on Jaden finally came down the stairs, with no shirt on. I rolled my eyes remembering the conversation we had. He simply just smirked at me. This boy really makes me feel some type of way. Maybe I did like him, just maybe. But it's hard to like someone when you've had a hard past relationship. But maybe my feelings are wrong. But deep down I hope my feelings are right.

"Are you ready for your big game today?" Dj walked up to Jaden rubbing his shoulders. "Yeah, I think so." Dj looked at Jaden confused. "What? No, you mean you know so." Jaden just hummed in response and just ate a bowl of cereal.

Later on Jaden told me to come to his game, because he wanted me to be there. I didn't really mind, I actually enjoyed watching sports. I even used to play softball for like 4 years. But anyways I am currently getting ready for Jaden's game. Jayla said I could borrow some of her clothes. If I'm being honest when Jaden said he wanted me to be there, I felt fireworks go off in my heart.

word count: 967

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