-Chapter Five-

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I was waiting on Jaden's bed, for him to be done getting ready. I decided to look threw his closet to see if I could steal something. He was in the bathroom getting ready so he wouldn't see me.

I found one of his jerseys and quickly buttoned it on top of my white long sleeve shirt I was wearing.  I few moments later he stepped out of the bathroom, with his baseball uniform on.  He looked at me and chuckled. "Nice shirt, ma" He commented. "Thank you very much." I smiled.

We were now in Jaylas car driving to the game. I was sitting in the back with Jaden, he seemed nervous. But I mean I would be too, it was one of the biggest games of the baseball season. But I knew he would do good, since I heard some pretty good stories about him playing.

I put my hand on top of his.

"Hey, you okay?" I whispered to him.

"Hmm? Oh yeah." He said stuttering over his words.

I kissed his cheek and laid my head in his lap, since it was a long drive. I slowly felt his hands stoke my hair. 


We had finally arrived to the game. Jaden still seemed nervous. I was taking to Jayla, till Jaden pulled me aside behind the snack shack. 

"Look Jupe, I dont know what these feelings are that I have for you.  It's like I like you, but I'm not sure a-" I cut him off before he could ramble more.

"Jaden, I like you too. But I think we should take it slow, considering we just met three weeks ago. So like a talking stage you know?" I said, and his eyes lit up.

POV: Jaden

"Jaden, I like you too. But I think we should take it slow, considering we just met three weeks ago. So like a talking stage you know?" She said to me. Which I'm glad she felt the same way, and she wanted to take things slow, and I wanted that too. It was just to perfect to believe, she's to perfect to believe.

She kept rambling on about her emotions and stuff, but I was to distracted by her lips, I couldn't hold myself back.

I slowly leaned in, and she stopped talking almost instantly.  Eventually she leaned in filling in the gap between us and making our lips touch.  Our lips moved in sync, and it was passionate. It was a very sweet and short kiss, almost like a peck. But more, it was just enough.

I could feel her smile into the kiss, and then she pulled away. "I go to go but I'll see you after the game, ma." I told her. "Good luck!" She said as I started walking off to the field.


The game was tied, and it was the last inning, and I was the last batter to hit. Everything was all on me. All three bases were 'loaded' meaning all bases are occupied. If I hit this baseball over the fence then we win the game and I could make a grand slam (grand slam is when the bases are 'loaded' and someone hits a home run, making it for all of us to get home). The pitcher had a death glare on, and I could feel the catcher behind me giving him signals of what kind of ball to throw me. 

Soon enough I saw a fast ball heading my way. But not to my bat, more like my back. And that's exactly what happened a fast ball straight to my back. "Fuck." I yelled to myself, I could see the pitcher have a small smile on his face.  I rolled my eyes as the ump didn't say anything. If I wasn't in such a tight situation, I would probably be yelling at the ump. I shook it off and went back to focus.

Another fast ball coming my way but this time to my bat. Crack I heard from my bat, I had no time to see where the ball went, I just made my way to first base, then second, and then third. I heard the stands cheering at me. "Jadennnnn Waltonnnn, had just made a grand slam! On the last inning! And they won ladies and gentleman!" I heard the announcer yell threw the mic. 

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