-Chapter Twelve-

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POV: Jupe

 Me and Jaden were walking back to the house hand in hand.  We were currently watching a movie in the living room just me and him.  He was lying on top of me, resting his body on mine.  I could feel him keep moving around like he was uncomfortable in a way.  He kept shifting till he rested his head on my breasts.

"You comfortable?" I asked looking down at him.

"Very." He hummed.

The darkness of the sky was slowly draining the light blue color from the sky.  Little specks of gold, started shining in the galaxy as a source of light.  Jaden's eyes were closed with small breaths escaping his mouth.  I found this as an opportunity, to go buy the twins birthday presents.

The sky was now completely dark, it was around eight o'clock.  I was walking by myself to the same stores as earlier.  Looking for gifts that suited them.

I eventually found gifts that I thought were perfect for both of them.  Walking the ways back to the house, a soft warm night breeze gliding amongst the skin of my cheeks.  I walked the back way to the house, which was through the beach.  I saw a bonfire going on with a bunch of other people, I've seen them like every night.  If I'm being honest I think it's just a bunch of random people, but for some reason they all seem connected in a way.  They're all just living, not caring about anything else then just the moment that they are in.  

I eventually made it back to the house, Jaden was now in Javons room for some reason , Javon was talking with Kylee in the kitchen, and Jayla was with the same girl she met earlier in the front yard.  I quickly ran up stairs to try and hide the bag that the gifts are in.  I decided that I could start wrapping their presents now, so that way I don't get lazy.

I had everything but I just needed tape.

"Javon do you have tape?" I shouted from upstairs.

"Yeah, check my bathroom drawers!" He shouted from the kitchen.

I walked in there to see Jaden awake on his phone, but I wasn't really focused on him.  I walked to Javons bathroom and checked the first drawer, and I saw something that's probably going to traumatize me.  Which were condoms and one was half way opened. 

"Ugh! Disgusting!" I yelled forgetting Jaden was in the room, he soon came walking up to the bathroom.

"What? What's so disgusting?" He questioned me, I pointed to the drawer and he just laughed. 

"Can you grab the tape, I don't want to because it's right next to his fucking condoms." I said crossing my arms, he just gave me a 'yeah' and handed me the tape, but still had his hand on the tape, not letting go yet.

"What do you need the tape for anyways?" He asked me, still not letting go of the tape.

"Hmm, I don't have an answer at the moment, come back when I have one." I said snatching the tape, and speed walked out of the room.

Time was passing by, and I had finished wrapping the presents.  I hid them in Jaylas room so none of the boys would find them, hopefully.

I was sitting in the kitchen eating cereal, scrolling on my phone.  Even though it was night, cereal is literally the best night snack.  I decided to make some TikTok's but on my spam account, people would comment things about me and Jaden which I thought were cute, and some other people would harass me for no fucking reason.  Like sometimes I'm confused about what I did for people to hate me so much.  But like it's whatever.

I heard footsteps from coming down the stairs and I saw Jaden walking up to the kitchen.  I faced back to my phone, but very quickly got turned back around to see Jaden's hands gripping my jaw and leaning in for a kiss.  We both leaned in leaving our lips moving in sync, very soon both of us pulling away. 

But I did forget I was still recording a TikTok, so I caught everything on camera, I was debating on posting it.  In the end I did, I decided that if anything happens i'll just delete it, plus my account was private. 

Jaden started making cereal, he had no shirt on and was wearing jeans that were showing the waistband of his Supreme boxers.  He looked good, I took a picture of him without him noticing, well I thought he wasn't.  He turned around and took my phone.

"Jaden give me back my fucking phone whore!" I yelled at him.

"Do you guys see what she's doing? She's an abuser, guys send help! Jupiter Forest doesn't love me no more! #helpjaden."  He said recording a video on Instagram.

"I don't abuse you, liar!" I ended up tackling him on the couch which caused the video to end, but before I could grab my phone, he ended up posting the video.

"Ugh yo-!" Jaden shut me up before I could finish my sentence, with his lips connecting with mine, his hands roaming around my body.  My hands traveling around his neck, through his hair. 

The kiss started turning into a make out session.  I looked at the clock behind Jaden still not breaking the kiss. It was officially twelve in the morning.  I broke the kiss just to let a few words escape my mouth.

"Happy Birthday, Jades." I went back to letting our lips touch as soon as the words escaped.  I could feel him smile into the kiss.  He broke the kiss, staring at me, into my eyes he saw, and into his eyes I saw.  His eyes filled with light, joy, and delightment.  I could see his lips wanting to say something but his brain not letting him.

He looked like he was struggling with words to say. 

"Jupe, I love you a lot.  I don't just love you it's more like I'm in love with you.  And I love that feeling and I want to be with you an- okay I guess what I'm trying to say is will you be mine, like my girlfriend?" He said looking at me and only me.

I couldn't let words travel out of my mouth, instead I just went in to the kiss, with a smile on my face.

"I love you, Jades.  And yes." I broke the kiss with our faces only two centimeters away.  

He was mine, and I was his.  We were two young teenagers in love, and we liked it that way.

word count: 1100

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