-Chapter Six-

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POV: Jupiter

It was the next morning and I woke up to see Jaden, already up watching a movie on my tv. He seemed so focused, till his attention turned to me. 

"Good morning, ma." He greeted me.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept good your bed is actually comfortable. And I need the rest my back hurts from that baseball, that shit hurt so fucking bad." 

With no other questioning I took his wrist and led him to the bathroom.

"Take off your shirt." I said sturnley and cold. He smirked at me saying dirty remarks, but I ignored them. I sate up on the counter and opened my mirror to find the first aid kit. I looked at his bruise that was more on his ribs. I grabbed some ointment and started to rub it on the bruise. He hissed in pain.

"Fuck, Jupe. That fucking stings, you sure you're using the right stuff?" He questioned with pain in his voice.

"Yes. Now stop moving." He did as he was told, and just stopped talking.


As the day went on, I decided to go out with Ny and Jay. Jaden wanted to hang out more but I told him he needed to rest, which was true. 

"No Jaden. stay home and rest, i'll come back tonight don't worry."

"Fine." He said coldly and looking the other direction. I walked up to him and placed a small and slow kiss on his lips.

"I'll see you later." He just hummed in response.

Me, Ny and Jay decided on going to the mall. And that's exactly what we were doing, shopping.

"So, what do you think about this." Jay asked with a shirt held up against her.

"oOoO, I like it." Ny answered her.

"Okay, Okay. Ima buy it." Jay said.

I kept looking threw the clothes, before someone caught my attention. Louis. Great.

He walked over to me and the girls.

"Well hello ladies." He spat at us.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"What? Just trying to have a friendly convo with some old friends, is there something wrong with that?" No one answered, and the girls just glared at him.

"That's what I thought."

"Just ignore him." I said to Ny and Jay, and we just went back to shopping and acting like he wasn't there. He slowly walked up behind me, and gripped his hand on my thigh. I could feel his hot breath, blowing on my neck, and my heart beating faster by the second. His grip getting tighter and tighter by every breath he took, causing me to wince in pain.

"That's not so nice." He whispered in my ear, finally letting go and slapping my ass, as he walked off.  I wanted to rip my hair out, cry until I couldn't breath, let myself go. But I couldn't. I wiped the single tear that I felt on my cheek, and quickly put on a smile before Ny and Jay saw.

"Hey you okay?" Ny asked me, and Jay rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah! How about we go get some food?" I said with a smile.

They didn't say anything and we just walked to the food court in silence. 

"So how are you and Marco?" I asked Jay. They were very flirty with each other but lately they've been kind of distant, so I just asked what was going on.

FUTURE-Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now