-Chapter Nine-

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POV: Jupe

A week has went by and today was the day we were leaving to Cancun.  It was currently 3:00 in the morning, and I was waiting for the Walton's to pick me up from my house so we could head to the air port.

I was eating Froot Loops and waiting for Jaden to text me and tell me they were here.  A couple days prior we had all went shopping for the trip(Jayla,Javon,Jaden,Kylee and me).  We had bought a lot of bathing suits, sun dresses, crop tops, and shorts.  Basically any clothing for the hot weather. 

I packed all the things I bought from the mall, and some other shorts and shirts from home. I also packed two pairs of sandals, my favorite pair of my black high top converese, I also packed extra pairs of underwear because you know just in case, plus bras.  Then I'm also bringing make up, not a lot just enough, and then my favorite perfume ever from pink.

Over the past week me Jayla and Kylee have gotten very close, and I'm glad for that.  They'r both super sweet and loving, to me. They treat me like a baby even though I'm only 3 months younger then Kylee.  But I still love them. 

Me and Javon are still rude to each other, but that's just how we show each other our love.  I really really enjoy our friendship, the way we joke around with each other knowing we don't actually mean it, it's like our own little language, I guess you could say.

Then there's Jaden, we're still in the 'talking' stage but sometimes I let myself pretend we're not.  And I know it's bad, I even get mad at myself when I do that.  Even though we are just 'talking' it feels more then just 'talking', not like boyfriend and girlfriend though.  It's just our connection feels more powerful.  I don't know how to describe it. But I like it.

I jolted out of my thoughts, till Jaden texted me that they were two minutes away.  I quickly emptied my bowl of cereal and put it in the sink. I made sure I had my airpods, and chapstick in my pockets, those were like the two things I can't leave with out.  Then I grabbed my two suitcases I left by the door, last night.

I had gotten another text from Jaden saying 'were here'.  I opened the front door to my house quietly, so I wouldn't wake my mom up.  My dad was out on a business trip.  I hoped in the car hearing greetings from everyone, and I greeted back.  I hoped in the way back with Jaden.  He had his eyes closed and his head tilted back, hes not much a morning person.

I grabbed his head with my two hands, he very slowly opened his eyes.

"Well hello there, ma." He said in a very raspy morning voice, and his eyes fighting to stay awake.

"Did we really have to leave this early?" I complained quietly to him, and giving a slight 'ugh' to him.

"Right, it's too early." He said with his eyes closed. "Ima lay on your lap." He said slowly laying his head on my thighs. I kissed the side of his cheek, and lied my head back on the seat and fell asleep too.

We had made it to the airport after like an hour.  We were all waiting for the plane to board.

"This is so boring." Javon rolled his head back.

"Let's go walk around or something." Jayla got up from her seat.

"Alright." I got up from my seat and grabbed Jaden's hand. We all got up and just walked around.

Daelo wanted me to carry him so I did, his legs rested on the side of my hip with both my arms gripping around him, Jaden got jealous because I stopped holding his hand.

"Daelo, you steeled Jupe from me. Give her back." Jaden said crossing his arms.

"No." He said and rested his head on my shoulder. Jaden just rolled his eyes playfully. 

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