-Chapter Seven-

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POV: Jaden

We were all finally back home, and getting prepared to have a movie night. But the only thing that kept crossing my mind was the bruise on Jupe's thigh, I was worried. I figured we'd talk about it tomorrow, becasue it seemed like she didn't want to talk about it.  So instead of asking her, I asked Ny and Jay.

"Hey, could I talk to you guys for a second." I said pulling the two girls out of the conversation they were having with Jupe and up stairs into the hallway. Jupe looked confused,  but went to talk with Daelo instead.

"I'm kind of worried about Jupe, she went to the mall and came back with this fat ass bruise."

They both gave each other a look and looked down, like they knew something but wouldn't tell me. It's like girls had this language with they'r eyes, but only girls could understand it. And I hated it.

"So you guys gonna talk." 

Ny looked up at me with a smirk.

"Why are you so worried about her, do you love her?" She said making kissing faces, and Jay just laughed.

"Wha-N-no that's not what I said, she's my friend. I'm obviously going to be worried about her. Just stop making those faces and tell me what happened, or I'm gonna tell Javon you want to fuck him." I said rambling, I did that often when I was nervous or annoyed.

"Okay, Okay. Just don't be mad Promise?" She said almost like a whisper. "You know what I'm not even going to say anything, or ima just get mad myself." She said already clenching her jaw.

"I'll tell him then." Jay spoke up. I motioned my head in a 'go on' sorta way and she did. She was telling me this story about her ex, and how he was mentally and physically abusive. I couldn't stand the words that were coming out of her mouth it was too hard to believe. I mean Jupe seemed to sweet and innocent, why would anyone want to ever do this to her. Then she was telling me what happened at the mall. And that's when I could feel heat rise in side me, anger taking control of my emotions, my jaw clenching and my fists forming into balls. Why? Just why?

I felt as though this was sorta my fault, if I had just convinced her more to stay with me, or if I just went with her this would have never happened. And the fact that she felt like she couldn't tell me, maybe it was my fault. If this wasn't my fault she would've told me what happened.

"You should go talk to her, she needs someone right now. Even though she may not show it, I know for a fact she's on the verge of tears. She's just so used to hiding her emotions." Jay spoke.

"Thank you." I said quietly and walking away from the conversation, and down the stairs.

I walked up to Jupe and Daelo. 

"Hey mumps, I'm gonna steal Jupe for a second." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, hes been hanging out with Jupe too much.

"Fine, but be quick." I just nodded my head and grabbed Jupe and led her out of the kitchen, and into a more private place.

I tuned around and looked at her, I didn't say a word. I wanted to say something but the words never escaped my mouth, instead I just engulfed her into a hug. she stood stiff for a second but hugged back tightly. She tucked her head in my neck, I could feel a cold tear on my neck, from Jupe. I pulled her out of the hug and examined her face, her eyes were starting to become red, and she had some tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry,I should've stayed with you, and this would have never happened. I'm sorry I raised my voice at you it wasn't your fault I-" I cut her off before she could say anything more. She's so used to being the one having to say sorry in a relationship. And I hated that.

"Jupe, stop saying sorry. It wasn't your fault it was Louis.  Don't ever be sorry for something that you didn't deserve, and I don't ever want to hear you say sorry around me. Ever." I put my hands on the side of her cheeks and lifted up her face, so she wasn't looking down. I wiped her tears away with my thumb. Even though she was crying, and her eyes were puffy, she still managed to look beautiful.

She went on her tippy toes to lean and in and kiss me, I thought it was cute how she had to get on her toes, I smiled into the kiss and she did too. This girl made me feel different, different then any other girl I've ever dated or 'talked' too. It was this feeling that I couldn't explain. But I liked it.

I grabbed her hand. "I should probably get you back to mumps before he gets mad at me." she laughed at my comment.


We had finally, decided on a movie to watch after all this time of everyone arguing. I know you're supposed to keep your attention on the movie.  Especially if I picked the movie. But I couldn't.  I kept my attention on the girl that was laying on my chest, anything she does are do, she still looks beautiful, even when she just wakes up, how?

I started to stroke her, and then she looked up at me. Putting her chin on my chest. 

"What?" I asked her, she just kept staring at me.

"Nothing, you're just pretty." I chuckled at her comment.

" Well you don't look to bad yourself ma'am." 

"Thank you very much sir." She replied.

I leaned in and gave her a small peck on her lips. I could feel her smile into the kiss. She turned back around to watch the movie, and I went back to playing with her hair, that smelled like vanilla and her hair was extremely soft.  I could see her eyes get heavy and every now and then she would jerk awake.  But then slowly she was getting too tired to fight the sleepy-ness away and fell asleep. I kissed her on the cheek and almost instantly fell asleep. What a day.

word count:1052

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