How to destroy a dream

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(A/N: A quick reminder before I begin the book. There will be severe mental abuse, suicide baiting and psychological issues throughout the book so if this effects you in anyway shape or form I wouldn't recommend this book, sorry)

Quirkless. How do even begin to describe what it's like? I guess the words would be pain, suffering, hell, hopeless. Those are the best ways to describe it...I guess.

I should be thankful that there are a few places that will except quirkless customers otherwise both Mom and I would have died long ago. Speaking of which I need to go to the pharmacy later and pick up more medication for her...I just have to escape Kacchan first and hope that he won't try and blow off any limbs this time.

And I need to retrieve my notebook and see if it's salvageable at all. Sure I've already memorized its contents but still.

"You know there is a way to get a quirk. Take a swan dive off the roof and hope that you'll get one in your next life!" Kacchan baited me again. That's the third time this month. I stood there looking out the window where my book was thrown and for a moment actually considered his idea but I'd never leave mom like this and besides; I can still be a hero without a quirk can't I?

The school bell rang and after the um- 'chat' with the teacher I went to retrieve my ruined notebook from the pond and made my way to the pharmacy. I think that I'll have enough to buy this, pay off this months rent plus a few other expenses. Damn it I need to get another job. Two just isn't the same as three.

Walking to the store I heard a weird sound coming up behind me; sounded kind of like slime. In a flash something gross grabbed me and tried to pry open my mouth! It hurt as it grabbed my skin and attacked my eyes. A brief shot of light and a bang that rang in my ears- the thing was off me and just in time before I passed out.

I laid on the ground until I felt heavy tapping on my face and a muffled voice that sounded heroic.

"Oh good you're alive! I thought I lost you there young man!" Wait wait wait- was this All Might? Like the All Might? Oh damn what did I do now? I swear I didn't do anything I just wanted to get some medicine for my Mom. I sat up and saw the number one hero himself with his trade mark smile shining in the sun.

"A-All Might?" My voice was so shaky and the butterflies were doing laps in my stomach. Oh I should ask him something. I looked down and saw that he already autographed one of my notebooks. I guess he just assumed that I would want that? Oh well I have another signature to copy now. "Can I ask you a question?" Before I knew it I was up in the air hanging onto All Might who practically screamed when he saw me. It's not my fault my hands got stuck on your leg.

After getting mad at me we landed on a building and a poof of smoke arose from it. Once it cleared I couldn't believe what I was seeing; All might but he was almost like a walking skeleton. So I guess that makes him small might.

He coughed up blood and with the medical knowledge I have, that doesn't exactly strike me as healthy. "Are- are you ok?" I asked panicky, I really hope I don't get in trouble for this. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a cloth and handed it to him. Begrudgingly he took it and wiped the blood away from his mouth.

With a sigh he looked at me, annoyance in his eyes. "If you swear to keep this a secret I shall answer you question." I gave a sincere nod. I can finally get an answer, though I probably know it already.

"Can someone become a hero even if they don't have a quirk?" The question seemed to shock him, but he at least was thinking about it. That's a good sign, right?

"Those with quirks have the ability to help and save the weak, the helpless." Oh- I see where this is headed "Those without a quirk aren't able to save the ones who require help as they are the ones who need the saving. So no; I don't believe anyone could be a hero without a quirk. I've upheld my end of the bargain. Now you must do the same. I'm off, don't forget to be plus ultra!"

What's so bad about being quirkless? #DWCWhere stories live. Discover now