The lies that you're fed

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Unlocking the door I looked around and something felt wrong. The lights were off and the place was cold, not to mention the giant puddle of water that was on the ground.

"Mom?" There wasn't an answer. The place was silent all except the rustle of the curtain from the evening breeze. I called out again and there still wasn't an answer so I put my backpack down and began checking the rooms. Something was definitely wrong, my stomach is doing gymnastics right now

I really should pay off the electric bill here, I told them I would have it by the end of this week but I guess they shut it off anyways. The door to moms room was slightly open so did she open it then? But that would mean that she would have to get out of bed but she can't do that.

"Mom?" I asked as I peaked in the room.

"Oh, Hi Izuku...sorry" She looked at me in the doorway before coughing like crazy. Rushing over to the side table I grabbed her water and a cloth so that she could wipe up the blood. Sorry I should have got here sooner but I got caught up in a few things. "Sorry I didn't reply before..."

"No, that's ok. You just focus on yourself right now. Here" I placed her medicine on the table before leaving the room to take off my uniform but stopped when I saw a tall dark figure in my doorway; his dark eyes were empty and yet full of something that wasn't quite place able.

"Kid, I don't want to remind you again. Close your door"

"Ah yes...sorry Mr. Aizawa Sir. It won't happen again" I came and shut the door after bowing at the hero, who simply left for his own apartment down the street. That's the third time this month, damn it! Again I'm useless and I took up his time when he probably would have been home. How long was he standing there for?

A crash in the other room grabbed my attention, I bolted to the area of the noise. Mom please be ok, I can't loose anything more...I can't loose you too. I opened the door and saw the container of meds floating. Is she using her quirk? The doctor told her not to for this very reason.

"Mom!" I rushed in and grabbed the floating object as well as her hand, sorry I should have given it to you before I left.

"I'm sorry Izuku, forgive me" What do I have to forgive her for? I should be the one that's sorry for being quirkless in the first place, if I wasn't then none of this would have happened. You could receive the proper care and life you deserve. 

"Just focus on resting for now...please?" Opening it up I pulled out two of the capsules and one of the pills, putting it in one of her hands before giving her the glass of water from the table that I had on standby. 

Grabbing one of the towels from her closet I wiped up the water that had spilt on the bed and grabbed the glass that had fallen onto the floor. The look in her eyes looked both pained and proud, it really didn't help the feeling I had.

" don't have to worry about me like this. Come here" Her voice became quiet and somber, sitting down at the foot of her bed I put down the objects in my hand and grabbed hers instead. . "Let's talk about your day, alright?" Why talk about my day? It's not like anything really noteworthy happened. I just turned down a quirk from the number one hero himself after getting attacked by living slime.

"Hmn? Are you sure?" Why does she want to know. No. Stop! Is this what I've turned myself into? So paranoid and uncaring that when my own mother asked about me and shows compassion I clam up and shut down to immediately question her. What a pathetic excuse for a son I am.

"Yes. How was school today?" Umm....

"It was great!" Damn it...

"What about Katsuki? You're still friends with him?" Uh...

"Yeah, he helped me with my notebook today."

"That's good dear...that's good..." Her words were breathless and kind of fading. One tear fell from her eye. Mom began to bring her arms up and held them out. I moved in and gave her a hug as I felt her tears seep into my uniform. "I love you Izuku..."  I missed the Midoriya hug. Especially when dad use to join in and squeeze both mom and I...

She pulled me in even tighter and at this point we were both crying nonstop. I like this... this warm fuzzy feeling that only mom can give me  "Thank you for being my son Izuku. I love you..." 

Wait no- Please God no. My heart shattered into a million shards and my tears began to poor. No no no no no no no

"MOM!? Mom? NO no no no no no...not you too...not you" I placed her back onto her pillow and fell onto her lap, crying my heart out in a vain attempt that she might wake up and won't leave me. She can't leave me, I need her... she... she's all I have left.

Sitting up, the tears stopped and it all went numb. Like I was underwater, the noise sort of faded and the pressure built up. Is this even real? Maybe it's all just a bad dream... yeah, that's right. It's just one big nightmare. Exiting the room, It seemed like I wasn't really in reality... but that's what happens in a dream, right? You might vibrate and shake, but it isn't real.

And according to movies and books, all it takes to awake from a dream is to pinch yourself. Opening a drawer, I grabbed a paring knife and rolled up my sleeve. This should act as my pinch if I'm in a deep sleep.

Holding it right on top, I took in one final breath and a weird state of calm kind of entered my system. All it takes is a few cuts and I will wake up to Mom and Dad in the living room drinking tea and we'll all be one big happy family again. Mom won't be sick anymore and Dad will be back!

Pressing down, I dragged the knife across my skin until blood started dripping. Good bye nightmare, thanks for making my life hell... no- why isn't it working? It's suppose to work! I have to wake up and see them again!

Slicing again and again, I didn't feel the pain. I only want to see mom and dad happy again, is that to much to ask?! Dropping the knife, I guess adrenaline was keeping the pain at bay.

I fell to my knees and placed my forehead on the cabinets. It should have worked... maybe I didn't cut deep enough... yeah that's right... those eight cuts weren't as deep as they could have been....

"What the hell are you doing brat?"

I called and the paramedics came and confirmed my grief. After that it was all just kind of a blur. I finished school, buried mom next to dad, continued living on my own, stuff like that. 

At least Kacchan won't have to deal with me anymore. Mr. Aizawa won't have to keep reminding me to shut doors. All Might won't have to think about the time he wasted on asking me to be a successor. Mom will be free of her pain and suffering. And...and I will live out the rest of my days as a quirkless nobody who could never be a hero, who couldn't even save his own mom.

I guess I know what I have to do now. I never wanted to resort to this and kind of wanted to take another path that was a bit more natural, a bit less painful. But maybe this way my pain will be gone and so will others. 

Hope you're happy people, and I sure hope I will be! With any luck I won't live to regret this!

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