Fix it yourself

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A/N: I got a request to turn this into a dadzawa story and as it means I get to write more pain and suffering, I'll be adding it in here in small doses.

**Bakugou POV***

What the hell was the nerd doing at UA? I already told him that I would be the only one from that shit school to get in. He didn't even have a damn quirk to get past the exam.

Shit, what is that smell? It's disgusting!

Smoke from my explosion is going away, why the hell is the damn nerd on the ground? Still hasn't grown a fucking backbone- his face. Di-did my explosion do that?

He isn't even crying or doing anything? That should have hurt like hell. I didn't actually plan to hurt him, so why the hell did he get in the way like that?

**Izuku POV**

My face is burning so badly. It hurts so much... so, so much... don't cry, that's just what he wants.

Why the heck did he do this anyways? I told him that I wasn- ha, why would he listen to a quirkless piece of trash anyways?

So he hit my left side huh, and that's my good looking side too... damn it. It's just stinging so bad.

**3rd pov**

Slowly, despite his screaming muscles, Midoriya got up and looked at Bakugou, whose jaw nearly fell to his chest before the realization of what he did set in and he looked away in both disgust and shame.

Bakugou felt his stomach begin to disagree with him as he looked at his past friend again.

The new found wound was already beginning to produce puss and his eye was red with irritation.

There's some irony to it really, if it weren't for his explosion quirk, the wound would have bleed profoundly and wouldn't have been cauterized...

Hot damn he made a big mistake... he's.... he's not a hero. Hell, now he'd better suit the position of villain-

"I am sorry Kaccha- Bakugou for wasting your time. Good luck in your new school, you'll make a great hero"

Bakugou took a step back, shocked by the sympathy in his words. The fuck does this nerd think? That he's better by saying that? What the hell is his motive?

And why is he calling him Bakugou now instead of Kacchan?

Deku turned around and left Bakugou in that alley on that hot summer evening.

The nerd didn't even cry?! And he had the balls to apologize after getting hurt like that‐ wait, he's still hurt and that's not the way to the hospital.

Where the fuck if he going?!

Watching from around a corner, All Might was at a loss for words and yet some twisted part of his mind laughed at this.

This is what the kid gets for rejecting him, right? And none the less, the one that inflicted the retaliation was one of his potential students.

Unsure how to deal with this, quite frankly, sensitive situation, he simply left and promised himself to keep a tag on both the teens.

Haha, after all, he is All Might! The number one hero in Japan! No one- nothing will get in his way of keeping the peace.


"Fuck" these damn keys just won't go in... fuck, fuck, fuck, it's burning so bad- Oh shit!

Blasted door sucks, and of course I had to fall onto the floor like a useless idiot.

If I can just close this door.... ow fuck! All this pinching and stinging. It feels like my face is on fire, damn it!

At least the floor is cold... I can't stay here. I need to get to work.

Slowly sitting up, I guess my head decided to get in on the action too since the room is now spinning.

Taking my shoes off, I made my way to the bathroom to see the damage Kacc.... Bakugou actually inflicted.

Somedays, I really wish I could get into his head and figure out why he acts this way. And why he always likes hurting me.... I only wanted to become a hero half as good as he is... and this is where that delusion got me: Standing in front of a mirror with half my face melted away.

Great choice Izuku. Real fucking genius. Way to make Mom proud....

Going into the cabinet under the vanity, I pulled out the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and first aid kit. Might as well look Semi presentable for the job.

Can't believe they charged me for that incident awhile back... what the hell was I suppose to do? Wait for the kid to get shot since the police would take too long or hope that he would aim for me instead? Personally I'd take option two.

And now I have to continue working at that damn pharmacy to work that off.

At least one good thing comes from the job: I get to fill up my cabinet full of... medicine. Yeah, that's it. Medicine...

Pouring some of the peroxide onto a cotton pad, it already stung my eye and nose. This is going to be painful.

Dabbing it on the skin, all the exposed nerves feel like they are getting cauterized with a damn match.

Grabbing the half roll of gauze I still had, I wrapped up the left side of my face and tied it off.

Oh crap, I left the door open didn't I?

The contents of the kit clattered to the ground, but I'll clean that up later.

Please be at home Mr. Aizawa...

Who's shadow is that? Can't be Aizawa's, right?! Dammit there is a literal trail of blood leading out the door.

Reaching out, my fingers just grazed the  door and as soon as I got all fingers around the frame, I slammed it shut. I cannot deal with anything else today.

"Hello... code"

A/N: end of chapter

Sorry for the short chapter and poor grammar. I'll write the next one soon and I hope that you are enjoying the story!

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