The loss of ones light

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Sorry mom, sorry for everything. Standing over her grave with a new bouquet of flowers, I feel bad that I just can't seem to cry anymore. But I am glad about one thing: at least it was raining at her funeral.

I exited the grave yard and began walking home. Too deep into my own thoughts that I didn't notice someone bumped into me until impact. Looking up I saw all to familiar red eyes and ash blond hair, only this time it was accompanied by two others. Mom would have been happy to see you guys one last time, you know that?

"Sorry sir, Ma'am." I quickly shuffled along to the side and continued without looking back. I really want to dodge that conversation right now. Alright then. Today I have my shift at the pharmacy to fully pay off moms medication that I owed for and then that job.

"Damn nerd, what the hell are you doing here?" I heard Kacchan shout at me but I didn't care enough to respond. I know that in your head, the quirkless and the quirked are supposed to bow down to you but even with the full nights sleep, I can't bring myself to.

I guess the UA entrance exams are coming up soon. I hope that he makes it in. If he learned to reign in his temper and respect others he would probably be a good candidate for the position of number one hero and the symbol of peace but those two factors won't be looked over so I guess that cancels him out for the time being.

I should have kept an eye on the time, that would have saved me the embarrassment of being late for the job and apologizing profoundly to my supervisor. Hopeless as always Izuku.

My supervisor simply pinched the bridge of his nose and gave a deep sigh. "Alright, alright it's ok just stop apologizing, sheesh. Stupid newbie. Just get to work already, okay"

"Yes sir" I said before walking to the back and putting on my white coat so I could properly start the afternoon. I hope the sleeves are long enough to cover my wrists.

Starting by restocking the shelves with basic medical supplies before moving onto place some unmentionable items on the racks. People are disgusting that's all I can say without worse words coming to mind.

"Hey kid, where are the eye drops?" It's been awhile Neighbour, I finally learned to close the door.

"Right over here sir. Sorry for the inconvenience." I led him to the counter and pulled out a box of liquid eye drops, the extra strong kind should work perfectly for him with his line of work anyways. "That will be 495.10 yen sir" He simply nodded and payed.

"Seems you finally learned how to shut a door" Never depicted you to be one for small talk, but I guess these past few months have been full of surprises.

"Heh, yeah." As he turned around to leave a man came in with a kid at gun point, having the boy in a tight choke hold. Damn it, I guess I'm happy that Mr. Aizawa hadn't left yet.

"Don't fuck with me or this kid will have his brain blown all over this store!!!" He smelled heavily of alcohol and weed. What a bloody joy to have to deal with. Damn am I actually glad that Kacchan bullied me for once other wise I would have probably began to panic even with a pro here. Yeah... let's go with that excuse "I SAID DON'T FUCK WITH ME, YOU IN THE CORNER!" Damn he can really hit a pitch.

Shifting my gaze, my supervisor had come out from the back without knowing what was going on and tried to sneak back again.

"Excuse me sir?"

"What the fuck kid?" The man shouted again. Please no one make a move.

"What is it that you came here for? If you let go of the kid-"

"Like hell I would do that." Man I hope that this day ends.

"Ok then you don't have to. What about this, I'm going to reach under the counter and pull something out, ok? If you'll come closer, I can hand it to you before anything else happens." The man, who now that he's come closer has a giant scar that leads up his arm and onto his face, tapped the gun near the kids temples as a warning. I get it trust me.

Mr. Aizawa only stood there and watched the scene unfold. Please don't move sir.

The man started to mumble something incoherent, twisting his head around and around as if talking to someone "Fuck off already! Fuck fuck fuck fuck it!!" Oh shit! Before either Mr. Aizawa or I could react the man brought his gun below his head and fired the round, commiting suicide. The boy screamed and started kicking his legs while also prying the arm off his neck

The man fell backwards and instinctively I jumped over the counter and caught the boy before he fell too. "Kid are you ok?" fully picking him up, he clung to me like a koala and only cried. Getting him to sit on the counter, I let go and reached under the counter to pull out the first-aid kit while the kid still held his ear.

 My supervisor was scolding Mr. Aizawa for not reacting or something like that and he just stood there taking the bullshit that he spewed.

"Kid, what's your name?" Something red and reflective caught my eye and looking to his unaffected ear, well... sort of unaffected ear. The cochlear implant that he has probably didn't help with the bang. Well I suppose that book I read wasn't for nothing then. 

Tapping his knee, he looked at me and I began to sign to him. I guess I should thank Kacchan for something, huh? Never would have leaned sign language if I wasn't friends with him. Taking a gauze pad out of the kit, I placed it over his ear and got him to hold it. Turning around, I pointed at the hero plushies that we had hanging up behind and much to my own satisfaction he didn't pick the All Might one and instead picked the Present Mic one. Makes sense, I guess.

A man and woman came rushing in and cried as soon as they saw the scene. 

"Yuji" the woman cried out as she saw the kid and grabbed him as soon as they could. I would be lying if I didn't admit, I was a little jealous of the kid. I miss-

They immediately went to thanking Mr. Aizawa, but oddly enough the kid kept staring at me. Even as flashing lights appeared outside and I took my leave, he still kept staring at me. Honestly, I don't know what to think of it.

The police let me go because "A kid won't be of any help here" so they let me go after scolding me for being there in the first place. I work there, damn it! 

A salty breeze refreshed my senses and I looked over the pristine and crystal water that was now visible. The beach looks nice now that it's all cleaned up. Guess that was a good use of my spare time after all during the summer. Crunching in the sand grabbed my attention and turning my head, I saw the one person I really didn't want to see again. What does he want? He could get away with hurting me if he wants to since he is the number one hero and I'm a quirkless nobody.

"Ah, young man. I don't expect to see you here" 

"All Might. I didn't think that I would see you either." Be nice, come on Izuku. Just lie like always. "How have you been? The UA exams are happening soon so you must be busy with that then?"

"Yes, It has gotten quite chaotic " Why does he still sound so annoyed with me? "What about yourself? I'm sure you've been busy with school or possibly the exams yourself? If that's your plan, that is?" What is he getting at? The last time we met it didn't leave on a nice note and he seemed pretty mad at me last time we had a confrontation.

"I hadn't planned on entering, seeing as you need a quirk to get into UA" the wheels in his head were turning, and I'll leave him to finally put the facts together. This is getting awkward now and really uncomfortable. "I hope you have a good evening All Might. I'll see you around then" I pivoted on my feet and continued on my way so that I could make it to my second job on time. He squeaked out something but I didn't really pay any attention to it; I've had too much sleep for that.

"I have one question Code, was that who I think it was on the news last night?"

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