What a normal day

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What a normal day. Bright blue sky paired with the sun and seagulls flying overhead, it couldn't be more normal....

It seemed like a good day to just wander, so that's what Bakugou did. Besides, the nerd hasn't left his mind since the other day back in that alley...

Why in the hell did he let himself get hit anyways? Does he just want to get sympathy since he's quirkless?

Groaning, Bakugou kicked a rock and continued straining his brain over the issue...

The nerd is complicated, and Bakugou will admit (despite it shattering his ego) that Deku is hard to read or make sense of the pattern in his personality and shit like that. But why is it so hard? He should be the easiest extra to see through, so why the hell isn't he?

Stopping dead in his tracks, Bakugou glared at the green head of hair he spotted. The fuck is the nerd doing at a spare part store anyways? Shouldn't he just be stocking some hero instead?

Continue walking, Bakugou kept his head down. He doesn't want to look at his mistake again. Shoving his hands in his pocket, he aimed aimed to move right past him without the Deku noticing him, but that was easier said then done.

"Alright I will, Thank you sir" Deku's voice was slightly shaky and exhausted. Sounds like he's as weak as ever. As the nerd began to back up and move away from whoever he was talking to, he bumped against Bakugou and turned around apologizing.

Bakugou was disgusted by the wrapping around half his face, the terror in his eye, and fear in his expression. Deku even stepped backwards and Bakugou's chest filled up with something and he hates it. It isn't something good like pride or the feeling he gets when he see's the look heroes get. No, this is the look a villain gets.

"Ah, Bakugou, I'm so sorry!" His blood curdled at Deku saying that again. Why the hell does he apologize again and again?

"I'm sorry Kacchan!"

"Oh, sorry kacchan"

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry... Bakugou"

Why the hell is he always apologizing? And... damn it, why is he still looking at him like that? 

"I'll get going" Deku tightened his hold on the plastic bag and started walking away. Without much thought, Bakgou reached out and grabbed his arm. Deku turned his head around and looked at him, expecting something to be said, but what can Bakugou even say? Sorry no longer makes up for the massive mistake he made... maybe he should give himself up for what he's done- no. 

He can't let the nerd win that easily. That quirkless, green haired bastard doesn't deserve to win. 

"Uh... do you need anythin- Ow, Bakugou, please stop squeezing my arm." Snapping himself out of the zone, Bakugou released and thrust the arm away.

"Just fuck off Deku"


"Shut up!" What's that screeching? Wh-

"Get down!" Deku dropped his bag and threw himself at Bakugou as something went flying over their heads. Dodging the flying object, Deku pushed Bakugou to the ground while he twisted off of the blond and landed on his feet. Since when has Deku ever been able to do that?

The door behind them shut and locked. While lying on the sidewalk, Bakugou looked over and saw a old; short extra with big mechanical glasses shut the blinds and disappear behind them.

Looking over at Deku, Bakugou was now the one with the look of fear on his face. The way the nerd stood; his posture, demeanor, his oddly emotionless expression... now that, is the look of a villain.

Police cars zipped buy and drifted to a stop before the officers ran out shouting and aiming their guns at the unnamed object. Slowly sitting up, Bakugou felt his head sway as the hit to the concrete finally clicked in.

A murky figure walked past him and a rustle from a plastic bag was at least something he could make sense of; hearing aids rang a little but subsided just as quickly.

A crowd started to grow around the mysterious scene that took place, but Bakugou's mind was a little too preoccupied with everything to care. 

A slight pinch tingled the back of his neck and it felt really cold. Nearly like ice in his veins. And yet it stung and jabbed at his brain. It made it worse when he heard that oddly familiar voice whisper "I'm sorry Kacchan, but this is for your own good"

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