College dorms

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Tw: there's not much angst just a small panic attack from fear of food also pls don't mind that I changed the instagram usernames I forgot them and it's like 3 am

"I room with Tao!"Charlie frowned and hugged Nick. "Heyyyy, at least you're here!"Nick laughed and hugged Charlie tighter. "Yo gays! Hurry up Charlie you have the key to the room!"Tao called from the stair way. "TAO THEY'RE HAVING A RE-UNITING MOMENT! SHUT UP"Elle wiped away dramatic tears away. "Sh, sh"Tara wiped away Elle's tears for her with a tissue, Darcy was taking out a candy stash and offered her some. "Let's not cry"Darcy comforted.

Charlie started laughing and pecked Nick's lips. "But you rooming with Tao is normal, I'm a year above you Char"Nick smiled and shooed Charlie off. "I'll visit later!"Nick smiled and Charlie walked up the stairs with Tao.

"These dorms are surprisingly cool!"Charlie opened the door and gasped. "Woahhhh!"Tao let his mouth drop and threw his suitcase on the bottom bunk. "What time is our parents coming to drop our stuff off?"Charlie asked and checked out the bathroom. "Half six"Tao fell over onto the bed. "Omg I feel like I'm in a hotel!"Tao smiled. "ITS SO COMFY!"Tao shouted and Charlie covered his ears. "It's the first day on campus, you do not need to shout and we do not need a noise complaint"Charlie laughed and removed his hands, crawled up the ladder and laid on his bed. "Oh my gosh you were right!"Charlie sighed and let himself sink into the pillow.

—time skip—

"Let me show you around!"Nick burst through their dorm door and the others followed. "what the fuckkkk"Charlie whined and sat up from his bed. "Ohhhh you were sleepingggg"Tao said. "You didn't answer my messages"Tao shrugged and Darcy hit him playfully. "You look so cuteeeee!"Nick gasped and climbed halfway up the ladder. "Oh they're being gay"Alec laughed and Tara rolled her eyes, Darcy playfully hit Tara and Alec next. "Come on get ready! I'm showing you around Char!"Nick grinned and shooed the rest out.

"Now? Butimsotired"Charlie whined and pushed the blankets off of himself. Nick laughed softly and got down from the ladder. Charlie climbed down the ladder and sat down on Tao's bunk to put his shoes on. Nick brushed Charlie's long hair that's starting to turn into a mullet. "Why are you brushing my hair?"Charlie giggled and leaned into Nicks touch. "Because it's messy but I'm keeping it cute messy not ugly messy"Nick kissed Charlie's cheek and Charlie stood.

"So over there is the local Cafè but be careful, one worker has my guts because one time a kid spilled their drink but I took the blame. She had worked a long shift and was so angry so don't even mention my name while in there. That's the library!"Nick kept rambling but stopped when Charlie squeezed his hand tightly. "Are you ok?"Nick whispered and Charlie gave him the snack he was supposed to eat at this time. Charlie shook his head and his bottom lip pouted sadly. "Hey, you don't have to eat it now. Maybe later Char ok?"Nick squeezed Charlie's hand back and Charlie nodded.

"WHERES THE FUCKING MCDONALDS"Elle sobbed and ran trying to find it. "STOP RUNNING!"Tao gasped for a breath. "YEAH IVE GOT CHARLIE TO CARRY!"Nick picked up Charlie and started running after the group. "WHAT THE FUCK!"Charlie laughed and put his hands around Nicks neck. Darcy started running too and picked up Elle and ran off with her. "TAO I TOOK YOUR GIRLFRIEND!"Tara took a photo and posted it to her instagram before running again.

"WHERES THE FUCKING MCDONALDS"-Elle on her trans period
"STOP RUNNING!"-Her boyfriend Tao.
"YEAH IVE GOT CHARLIE TO CARRY!"-Nick being Bi icon who calls people 'mate'
"WHAT THE FUCK?!"-Charlie who is being carried by his Bi icon boyfriend.
And my girlfriend stole Tao's. Darcy please if you see this and find McDonald's, get me a milkshake pls.

Charlie shifted uncomfortably in the seat like the fries taunted him. Nick couldn't help but notice this. "Darling, try and eat?"Nick whispered. "Do you want to eat outside?"Nick asked and Charlie nodded. "Hey guys me and Char are gonna go eat and watch the birds cause why not"Nick laughed and Charlie grabbed the fries and his drink on their way out.

"YOU GET YOUR OWN DORM?!"Charlie cried dramatically when he entered Nicks dorm. "Yeah, so sleepovers are on weekdays any days!"Nick smiled and Charlie hugged him. "Someone's tired"Nick couldn't help but grin lovingly at his boyfriend yawning. "Mh..."Charlie responded. Nick picked up Charlie gently before placing him down on the bed and joining him.

"Today was hard"Charlie mumbled and cuddled up to his boyfriend. "Wanna talk about it?"Nick mumbled aswell not to disturb the quietness of the room. "No, I just wanna sleep for now"Charlie yawned again. "Ok Love, ok."

Words: 555

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