Coming out </3 (angst)

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Mini A/n: ok the copycat apologised and took down they're story, THEN I FOUND OUT THAT MY COUSIN WAS BEHIND IT AS A PRANK!!!! So Hannah, fuk u. Jk jk but me and my cousin came up with this cool idea! She has her own chapter in her own heartstopper one shots so check her out :) she has agreed to let me write my own chapter on this as I did give her ideas and stuff, so enjoy!! d31ightfu1


"Charlie, are you okay?"Charlies mum asked and Charlie looked up at her. "Yes."Charlie moved his cornflakes around in his bowl, they were already soggy so he wouldn't be eating them. Not that he would be eating them anyway. "Are you sure?"She pressured and Charlie sighed softly but he looked at the floor and set his bowl down on the counter. "Actually, but there's something I did want to tell you." "Charlie, you know I am busy! I don't have time for you to say that later. But go on, hurry up!"His mum shouted and scoffed as Charlie bit his lip.

"I'm gay."Charlie muttered and his mother stopped what she was doing. Everything seemed to slow down. Everything was still, quiet. But the tension could be felt from a mile away. "We can talk about this later, Charles."Charlie winced as his mother didn't call him 'sweetheart' 'sweetie' or 'love' just Charles. "But mum-" "I SAID LATER CHARLES SPRING!"His mum roared. Charlie grabbed his blazer and slid it on and violently grabbed his bag. "I'm off to school!"Charlie shouted out and he slid his headphones in and left.

He got onto the bus, Tori wasn't in because she was sick. Nobody was there to comfort him and tell him he was ok and mum would get over the shock.

Charlie pov:

I got off the stupid bus.
I stepped onto the pavement and sped walked into school. I didn't go to form, instead I went to the bathrooms.
I waited out the stupid fucking just fucking stupid homophobic boys and started to cry. I dug my hands into my trouser pockets and felt my finger being pricked by something sharp. I winced in pain and I took the object out. It was a blade. A sharpener one, kind of pathetic honestly. But I stared at it.

I took off my blazer and rolled my sleeve up as I sunk the blade into my wrist. It stung but I sunk it deeper so much that blood started to seep from it. Then I swiped it. It was such a deep styro, so deep that it could've hit beans. But I only wanted scratches and some styros. I did more until my vision was too blurry from my tears.

I sat there and the blade dropped from my hand as I let out a deep sob.
I want to go home.
Do they even want me at home?
Does my parents hate me?
I wonder if mums telling Oliver lies about me so he won't like me.
What if Tori hates me too?
I hate living.

I stared at the vein in my wrist.
Would death,

Nicks pov

Charlie wasn't in form. I bit my lip anxiously. He never ever skips, I knew he was in school because mum passed him at the bus stop this morning.
He hasn't answered my texts since last night after he was planning to come out to his parents. Did it go wrong? I walked to the bathroom as my hands were covered in ink from my pen that exploded again.

I was shocked to see blood from under a stall.
I knocked on the door of the stall. "Hello?"The door was unlocked so I pushed it open.

Oh my god.

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