Did I ruin you?

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TW: F slur (I'm gay, dw) homophobia? (Charlie has a lil moment)

Charlie walked through the school and bumped into Nick but didn't stop to apologise. Nick turned and saw Charlie walking away. "Charlie!"Nick called and ran the other way after Charlie. Charlie went into his next class and didn't stop to talk. Nick sighed as he turned around back towards his literature class.

Ever since he got in that fight Charlie ignored him. His messages (if he even responded) were dry. As fuck. Nick sat down in his class, beside Harry. (How convenient, author.) They glared at each other and Harry scoffed when the made eye contact. "What's up fag?"Harry teased and laughed annoyingly loud. "Do you want another punch in the eye, dick?" "Nick! I don't want to hear that language in my classroom!"The teacher yelled and Nick rolled his eyes.

"Charlie-"Nick ran up to Charlie and caught him off guard. "Goaway"Charlie gritted through his teeth and tried to walk pass but Nick was (not very conveniently) in his way. "Charlie! What's going on!?" "I said go away, Nicholas!"Charlie yelled and Nick took a step back. "Nicholas?"Nick laughed. "Fucking Nicholas? Are you gonna start calling me Me 'Mr Nelson' now?!"Nick scoffed and Charlie looked at him, his eyes attempting to be mad or upset but they were just sad. Nick walked off in a fit of anger.

Charlie went to a picnic bench, alone and stared at his lunch. He sighed and took the container and emptied it into the bin and walked off. He then Caught Nicks eye, who had watched him throw it in the trash. Charlie looked away and went to the art room and sat down in his corner.

"Charlie?"Nick asked as he hesitantly entered the room. Charlie looked up and looked down immediately. He was so bad at pretending not to notice. Nick sat down beside him. "Charlie? Do you want some crisps? You've got to be hungry" "no."Charlie replied and hugged his knees. "Charlie, what's up?"Nick asked and Charlie laughed. "I'm worried about you, Nick. Harry said something that was completely true. I'm gay. So what? And you punched him? Nick, do i ruin you?

You lost all your friends because of the fight you got into for me! And I'm sorry but you can't literally loose all your friends for me! I'm disgusting! I'm a fucking fag and that's disgusting! You can't loose all of your Mates because of a disgusting, ugly, fat fag! So just leave me be! I don't need to ruin you any longer, Nick."Charlie spat out and Nick looked shocked.

"Charlie.. you're not ugly, or disgusting or fat. You're perfect, you don't ruin me, you do the opposite. You complete me. And I'll forever be greatful." "Nick, don't lie."Charlie started crying as he looked at Nick. "I'm not lying. Harry deserved what he got.."Charlie looked so unsure, so upset, so angry. "Are you sure?" "I'm sure."

Charlie smiled and wiped away his tears. "Thanks Nick, you're a good friend" "no problem, Char mar bar car lar gar war." "Oh shut up!"Charlie laughed.

Words: 555

Lil short one

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