Chapter 4

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Josephine groaned when she saw Chris enter her office, "what do you want? I said I didn't want to see you." She stood up as he approached her desk.

"I know." He handed her an envelope. "Melissa said you needed the budget, she had a last minute thing she had to do. So she asked me to drop it off."

She yanked it out of his hand, "you could have texted or emailed me Christopher. Instead you insist on torturing me."

He sighed, "I'm not trying to torture you love. I'm sorry."

She groaned, closing her eyes, "don't call me love Chris. Please get out." She felt him bring his hand up to her cheek with her eyes closed, "please don't."

Chris lowered his voice, not moving his hand, "do you remember our first kiss?"

Josephine opened her eyes, looking up at him, "of course I do. I remember all of it Chris. Do you?"

He only nodded as he stared at her. "I.." He sighed, dropping his hand as he stared at the floor, "I'm sorry for everything I did Joey."

She went back to her desk, pulling out an envelope. She handed it to him, "so you don't think I was lying."

"What do you mean?" He opened the envelope to find a sonogram inside, the dull ache inside becoming stronger as he tried to hold back the tears. "I never thought you were lying."

She nodded, sitting at her desk, not looking at him, "can you go now please?" She waited until she heard the door shut behind him before resting her head in her hands on her desk.

💔****Flashback - 7 years ago****💔

"Dance with me."

Josephine smiled at Chris as he nudged her shoulder, "I'm working Chris."

He shrugged, "the wedding is over. Carly is happy. Everyone is drinking and dancing. Punch out Joey. What is there left for you to do?"

She turned to face him, "kick out drunk men that get too handsy."

He laughed, "I may be a bit drunk, but I promise to garner my hands." He held them up for her to see, making her laugh, "please Joey." He stepped towards her, "it's been months of flirting. You no longer work for my sister, dance with me." He looked up as the song Kiss Me came on. He grabbed the headset and clip board from her, setting them on a nearby table before grabbing her hand.

She sighed as she let him lead her to the dance floor, placing one hand in his, the other on his shoulder as he placed his free hand on her back. She looked up at him, "what will your sister say?"

He chuckled, "she only said to stay away from you until after she was married. She's married now. So, kiss me."

Josephine laughed, "you think you're so charming."

He nodded, "I know I am." He placed her other hand up, around his neck as he placed his hand on her cheek. He smiled, as he leaned in, feeling her hand in his hair as he kissed her. He pulled away, seeing her smile at him, "come back to my place tonight?"

Josephine chuckled, "okay."

💔****End of Flashback****💔

Josephine heard a knock on her apartment door, finding Scott standing in front of her. "What are you doing here?"

He sighed, "I wanted to talk."

She scoffed, leaving the door open as she walked away into the living room. "What is this, the Evans brother's apology train. I won't accept his and I certainly won't accept yours!" She plopped onto the couch as she saw him come to sit on the coffee table across from her.

"I know sweetie. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?! You abandoned me! You were one of my best friends and your brother is a dick and yet I was the one left here all alone!"

Scott sighed, seeing her turn away from him with tears in her eyes, "I know. I'm sorry. I'm here to make amends."

She shook her head, "you sided with your brother, what else should you have done? Doesn't make it hurt any less Scott."

He nodded, resting his hands on her legs as she placed her hands on his. He groaned, sitting next to her on the couch as he wrapped his arms around her. "Yes, I sided with my brother. But I shouldn't have. I'm sorry Joey."

"You're right, you shouldn't have." She smirked as he laughed. She rested her head on his shoulder, "I've missed you."

"I missed you too Joey. Chris is an idiot. I'm sorry."

She sighed, looking up at him, "he can't possibly love her. Does he?"

Scott groaned, "I don't think so sweetie."

"Then why is he marrying her? How old is she even?"

He shrugged, "because he feels like he has to. And he can't have the one woman he really wants." He groaned, "she's 25."

She scoffed, "oh please. He could have had me if he really wanted me. He did have me. He fucked it up. Don't come here trying to make me feel bad for him."

"I know." He laughed, "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad for him."

She nodded, "good. Watch a movie with me."

"That's why I'm here."

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