Chapter 17 - Final

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*****7 years later*****

"Stop." Josephine grabbed the arm of her 6 year old daughter, Isabelle. "Stop running in the house please."

She sighed, nodding, "yes mama."

Josephine jumped as she felt Chris sneak up behind her, wrapping his arms around her with his hands on her stomach, "fuck Chris."

He laughed, "we can do that again later if you like."

She giggled, turning to face him, "shut up." She looked past him as people started to enter the house. She pushed Chris out of the way as she hugged Scott. "Uncle Scott."

Chris grunted, "rude."

Scott laughed, "she had to make way for the better Evans brother."

Josephine nodded, "true. I hope you have not come to spoil your niece anymore than you already have."

He rolled his eyes, "it isn't like I've bought her a pony. Yet..." He laughed, "I'll wait until she's bigger and buy her a horse."

"Oh my god." She heard Chris laugh behind her as she shook her head. She sighed, watching Scott place his hand on her stomach.

"And my nephew? How much longer?"

She smiled as Chris wrapped his arms around her again, "a month Scott. Baby Tyler can't wait to meet you. And I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore."

Chris laughed, "I know. One boy. One girl. We're good love." He looked up as Melissa arrived with Kyle. He kissed her on the cheek as he greeted them, "thanks for coming guys."

Josephine smiled, "I'm glad you guys are here."

Melissa nodded, "us too." She handed a present to Josephine as she took it into the other room.

Josephine jumped again when her nephew Oliver snuck up behind her, making her laugh. "Look at you, bigger than me now."

He laughed, hugging her, "not hard. You're short."

She hit him in the chest before hugging Henry and Allison. She watched Chris come up to them, hugging them both before pulling her away to their bedroom. "What are we doing in here."

He shrugged, kissing her as he heard her moan into his mouth. He pulled away, laughing, "that."

She groaned, "you can't kiss me like that in a house full of people Christopher."

He chuckled, "oh. It's Christopher again. You know I like that Jo."

She laughed, "shut up. I love you, you idiot."

He smiled, "idiot for you. Come on, we have a birthday party to throw. I don't know why you dragged me in here. You have to wait until later Mrs. Evans."

She scoffed, "jerk." She pushed him as he left the room in front of her, laughing.

****The End****

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