Chapter 6

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Josephine stopped, staring at the ground as she heard Chris following her, "please don't."

"I'm making sure you get home okay."

She scoffed, turning to face him, "since when do you care about me Chris?"

He sighed, "why did you sing that song?"

She rolled her eyes, turning back away from him as she continued to walk. Once they were outside her apartment building, she stopped.

"Are you jealous?"

She laughed, turning back to him once more. "You have some audacity to ask me that Christopher. I'm not jealous. I'm hurt." She poked him hard in the chest as he gripped her wrist. "What is the line? I'll get older but your lovers stay my age?"

He groaned as he released her wrist, looking at the ground.

"She's the same age I was when we met Chris."

He closed his eyes, nodding, "I know she is. I remember Josephine." He sighed, opening his eyes as he looked at her, "I'm an idiot okay!"

She nodded her agreement. "I know you are. You don't love her, why are you marrying her?" She didn't wait for a response, walking away into the building.

He scoffed, following her onto the elevator. "You can't ask me a question and then walk away."

She crossed her arms, not looking at him, "I can do what I like."

He rolled his eyes, following her off the elevator to the door of her apartment. "I'm marrying her because I have to. Because it's too late. Because I can't.."

She sighed, "because you can't leave another girl before the wedding?"


"I hate you." She unlocked the door, entering as she went to slam it on him but he put his foot in the doorway.

"No you don't." He pushed his way into her apartment. "Or maybe you do. I would deserve it. What I did was awful and stupid. And there isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret it Josephine. You have to know that."

She shook her head as she scoffed, taking off her jacket and shoes, "I don't have to know anything. I don't have to do anything. But you have to get out!"

He nodded, "I know you'll never forgive me. But you need to know that what I said was true. My heart is yours. It always has been and it always will be."

She groaned as she felt him crash his lips into hers, pulling her to him. He shrugged off his coat before lifting her up to him, carrying her to the bedroom as they toppled onto the bed. "Fuck." She pushed him away, hearing him sigh as he laid next to her on the bed. "You have to go Chris." She sat on the edge of the bed as she began to cry with her head in her hands.

Chris knelt in front of her, "please Joey.."

She looked up to see his eyes welling too, "you can't do this to me. It's hard enough just seeing you Chris. I can't do this if you're going to make it harder on me than it already is."

He nodded, "I know. I love you. I've loved you since the moment I met you." He brought his hand up, brushing hair out of her face as she leaned into his hand. "Do you remember?"

"Well I don't love you Chris. Not anymore. Now go. Please." She watched him look at the ground before nodding. She got undressed and crawl into bed as she heard her apartment door slam shut.

💔****Flashback - 8 years ago****💔

Josephine looked up from her desk to see someone enter. She stood up from her desk, blushing as she saw him smile, "um. Hi."

Chris smiled, "I'm Carly's brother? I'm Chris. She asked me to drop this off for you."

She nodded, accepting the envelope. "Thank you Chris. I'm Josephine."

He smiled at her blushing, "now I see what she meant."

Josephine shrugged, "what who meant?"

He laughed, "my sister. She told me to stay away from you."

She giggled, blushing as he brought a hand up to her soft brown hair, twirling the ends between his fingers. She took a step towards him, "and why would you need to stay away from me?"

He bit his lip, eyeing her, "because you're beautiful."

She nodded, "then why did she send you here?"

He laughed, shaking his head, "just pure dumb luck on my part I suspect." He sighed, "how long until the wedding?"

She smirked, "11 months Chris."

He nodded, "bummer. Save me a dance?"

She giggled, "you want me to save you a dance at your own sister's wedding?"

He shrugged, "yes."

She laughed, "right." She sat back at her desk, "we'll see if you still feel the same when the time comes."

He leaned on his hands on her desk, leaning towards her, "oh, I will." He leaned towards her, placing his hand on her cheek, "I'll see you later Josephine."

She nodded, "Joey. Please."

Chris smiled, nodding from the door. "Joey it is."

💔****End of flashback****💔

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